Regent part 2

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After the council members had left, wildly chatting and suspiciously happy about Agravaine's fate and even Geoffrey made his leave with a courtly bow, Merlin was alone with his mentor and the topic of the whole group session.

It was also funny to watch the guards drag Agravaine out of the chambers merely minutes earlier.
It was very satisfying to watch him struggle and curse at the guards who must have overheard the conversation, because neither of them questioned Merlin's authority.
Not even once. No hesitation whatsoever.

How sad that you all missed it.
You would have loved it, really.

Especially the part, when Geoffrey knocked Agravaine out with the notebook.

"How have I never heard of this?", Gaius restarted the conversation once the door had fallen shut.
His arms vaguely pointed at the sigil that Merlin had eventually given to tiny Arthur who was busy eyeing it with wonder.
He seemed familiar with it.
So it wasn't that he had never seen it before or that he didn't know what it meant.

It must be how it came into Merlin's possession that had piqued his interest.

Merlin tried to laugh, but had to admit that he was still slightly shaken from the whole event.

He had been awfully close to being separated from Arthur.
Worse, he had been close to losing him to Agravaine's constant surveillance, if not abuse... not to say worse.
Relief was the smallest word to describe how he felt at the moment.

Why Arthur gave him the sigil was the least of his worries right now.
"I didn't think it was important! He gave it to me when he was about to sacrifice himself at the veil! I thought it was meant as a sentiment!"

"Quite the sentiment it is.", Gaius raised an eyebrow.

"For friendship, Gaius!"
Merlin rolled his eyes. Men could be friends and show emotions with each other. And Arthur had unlearned a lot of toxic masculinity in the previous years.
Maybe this was a sentiment of love.

But Merlin still feared that Gaius would be interpreting this love much differently than Merlin wanted to think about. And would start lecturing him on thinks he really didn't want to hear from his mentor.
Which, in addition, wasn't fair, because it would put ideas in Merlin's head that the warlock was not in the right state to deal with, while Arthur was a literal child and couldn't very well speak up for his older self.

No. This was something Merlin intended to confront Arthur about when the time was right. And only with Arthur, because this was between them and them alone.

There was a reason why Arthur thought Merlin was fit to be regent. Whatever it was, Arthur was the one who would be able to explain it.

It wouldn't be fair to put words in his mouth that weren't his own.

"I'm not judging, Merlin. I am surprised. I always knew you meant a lot to Arthur. But this is beyond ordinary. You must realize that.
This is his mother's sigil, after all."

He said it, as if it was supposed to mean anything to Merlin.

"A mother's royal seal, Merlin, is representative of the heart of any royal, while the father's seal is to represent that of power, of his birth right.
Not only has Arthur always cared for his mother's seal more than he ever did about his father's ring, it's meaning is far more important than you think."

Gaius stepped closer to accentuate his words.

"Merlin, this is not a mere sign of friendship.
A king has to give his mother's royal seal to his intended. To his queen."

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