Regent 16 (Final)

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A.N.:// Damn, I'm crying at these last moments. Damn, some of those lines really hit me while writing. I don't know if it will hit you too, but they HURT ME.


Little disclaimer: Gwaine speaks of his OWN experiences with his identity. It's not meant to be a big thing. Everyone experiences their own self differently and he is not a representation for ALL. Okay? Okay. Also, it's up to interpretation. If you can interpret more into it XD

I hope I filled all the plot holes, because I'm not entirely sure. XD
I stopped rereading the last two chapters :)

The return of the king were News that spread through the kingdom like a wildfire. And with them did pretty much the entire story of what happened to Arthur in the past.

He had spend two whole days trying to explain everything to the people who greeted him in the throne room. He spend a good portion of that time convincing Merlin to not murder Morgana. Thankfully, Merlin trusted Arthur's word and so he could eventually make a decision on what to do with he.

It was difficult to recall all of his memories. To get everything that had happened in a reasonable order proved to take even longer. Arthur was very thankful that his friends were all such kind and considerate and patient people.
To answer some of his own questions, he dragged any information out of Leon that he could. It was quite fruitless, considering that Leon mentioned how he was "knocked out" at the time.
Arthur had seen past Leon, covered in his own blood and other organic matter, Arthur could pretty much imagine what "being knocked out" really meant. It was a hard fact to ignore.
The last pieces to his puzzle had Morgana, who simply told them about how she turned back in time to prevent Arthur's birth, only to change her mind, because Ygraine was a great woman and actually, Arthur deserved more love as a child.

Arthur then decided that she had suffered enough the past couple of decades that she spend in the past.
"Morgana.", he said and walked up to her to put one of her hands in his own. It was the day he finally had decided what to do with her. "Will you be my court sorceress?"

Her eyes widened at that. "Me?"

It turned into a fight, which ended with Merlin practically forcing her to agree, because Arthur had said so and apparently Arthur's word was law now. Arthur didn't know why that amused him so much, but it certainly helped calm his nerves about his return.

"But why me?" Morgana was still a lost soul in many regards, but that answer came quite easily to Arthur.

"You took Camelot over more times than any other sorcerer or witch managed to. If anyone knows how to strengthen our defences, it's you."
And that was that.

During the entire time they talked, even with all the snack breaks in between and the one make shift sleep over in the throne room, Arthur never once addressed Merlin directly.
In fact, the first two days after Arthur had bared his soul before his most trusted friends, everything went back to normal.
Well... to what they would have called normal before. Arthur had changed. He could feel it through the memories. And the change was massive enough to put him on a distance to his friends. It wouldn't be for long, he promised himself. But he needed to reassess his boundaries.

Merlin was still handling some of the more formal stuff of the days that followed and briefed Arthur about the changes in the law and some kind of day care invention that he and Gwen had going on. Arthur listened the entire time, but something still felt off.
Because Merlin was reverting to his usual self. He was there to wake Arthur in the morning and to dress him, and during the discussions of the court, he vanished into the shadows.
The day that Arthur announced he would be taking over again, he could see people mumbling with great confusion, as Merlin wasn't even present during the ceremony.

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