Enarmored (part 6/ FINAL?!)

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A.N.://  Actually... I'm surprised. But my mind just decided to end this?
I mean.... there must be some major plot holes left.
But this is still.... the end?
I am so confused right now. I thought there would be some major character love declarations regarding Merlin. But like...
It's very anticlimactic.
I did not plan this end. I don't even know how to feel about it. It just seems so... final. Yet open ended.
I'm sorry, I really don't know what happened. I was looking up some writing advice and cut out a lot of unnecessary descriptives because of it, maybe that's it. Maybe my brain just got tired of deciding what to use and what not.
I dunno. Anyway, this is the end, apparently. I won't be able to continue this any further, because my head says so.
I hope you can forgive me.


"Okay. Everything will be fine. This is a dream. Merlin is NOT the magic king.", Arthur muttered to himself.
Eventually they had resumed walking over the unstable bridge with the rotten planks and the wet robes. Had Arthur not walked this road before, he would probably panic, like he had last time.
But as it was, he was pretty certain the bridge would hold them. Magic must be holding it upright. There was no other explanation.
And Arthur had reached a point where he hoped the thought alone would keep them save.

The winds were cold up here. And the ground seemed endlessly far underneath them. If there was any ground at all.
A sharp blast of wind send goosebumps down his spine and interrupted his thoughts for a moment. Enough to catch his breath, but not enough to calm him down.

"Cendred is just crazy.", Arthur continued his inner monologue.

"HEY! I'm NOT crazy.", Cendred snapped Arthur out of his thoughts.
"It's not MY fault you adopted a sorcerer!"

"Warlock!", Lancelot corrected them. Unable to keep it to himself any longer.
Arthur turned to him wordlessly.
"What?", Lancelot shrugged.
"You knew.", Arthur stated and Lancelot send him a smile as an answer.

"How come, he told YOU but not ME?", Gwaine huffed with a pout and Arthur couldn't help but agree. Why HAD Merlin told Lancelot of all people?

"He didn't. Unlike you, I was just blessed with a brain.", Lancelot deduced simply and turned around.
Gwaine and Arthur exchanged a glance.
"Asshole.", Gwaine muttered quietly. Then his attention shifted back to Cendred.
"Say, king without nickname. Why were you so quick to assume Merlin was your lost sister's son? I mean, it makes sense in hindsight. But don't you think you went a bit ahead of yourself? You could have spared yourself a lot of problems, had you just kept quiet."

Cendred gritted his teeth. "Just because you guys are apparently included in whatever fantasies that dwarf has, doesn't mean I don't have my own values. There are only so many people who leave Essetir to live in CAMELOT of all places. Who wants to live in a kingdom where the king kills people based on the mere idea they might could perhaps be associated with magic.... potentially?"

Gwaine put up a finger to counter the king, but ended up agreeing with him. "Fair point."

Cendred nodded pointedly.

"And you knew he had magic, but didn't hunt him down to work for you? You know... enslave him and stuff? You're not subtle, Cendred.", Arthur shot back. His frown drawn close to his glare. If Cendred had the galls to insult Camelot, Arthur wouldn't hold back about Essetir either.

Cendred mirrored his sour expression. "Well, I tried.", he admitted. "But the boy killed half of my best men that day. It was just too risky."

Arthur stumbled over those words and had to grab for the nearest rope to steady himself.
"He WHAT?"

"He IS very powerful. He was also a very cute child."

Arthur blinked, his mouth agape. "Are we going to ignore that he killed half an army as a child?"

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