Regent 6

853 44 15

A.N.:// To anyone whose wondering why the chapters are taking „so long". 

I just started Uni and I have a lot of stuff to organize. And no, nothing is working. :) But I really like where this story is going, so don't worry. I have no intention to abandon the story.


"Something is wrong."

Merlin was tapping his knees with one hand. The other hand drummed steadily against the wood of his arm rest. Repetitive sound patterns emerged from where his fingertips touched the wood, but rather than calming him, they made him feel more and more restless. In response, they grew faster and more and more complicated as well.

Gwen sat quietly next to him, judging him with a single glance. She was fixing holes in various clothes, but Merlin had no interest whom they belonged to.

She didn't need to ask what was bothering him. At this point, everyone within the castle and their mother's knew what was going on by now anyway.

Leon's story still hung over them all, like a stuffy blanket that barely allowed them to breathe.

It couldn't have been more than 48 hours, since the knight spooked the hell out of Merlin and revealed his magic to the entire kingdom. Merlin had been on edge ever since. For one, because he had expected a revolt against his regency.

But knowing with such clarity that another immortal soul roamed the castle's halls, didn't exactly help to ease his mind. Especially, when he knew that Arthur was still stuck in the past and Merlin was nowhere near able to help him. While, as a matter of fact, said immortal was. And Merlin had no way of knowing whether or not Leon had already killed Arthur.

And that was the problem, wasn't it? Everything had already happened. The past could not be changed. Which meant that Merlin was powerless to help Arthur, even if he tried. And Leon refused to explain to him how the gateway worked. Or who gave him the book. Or where they were supposed to meet their Arthur again. Apart from how he found Arthur and how they went to Ealdor, then found Hunith and Merlin and then began walking along the border between Camelot and Essetir, he explained practically nothing.

He said something about them creating the first potion and then Arthur returning, but the rest was a bit unclear. As if Leon barely remembered. Or as if he was holding something back.

Leon had assured him that time itself was no crucial factor at the moment, but even that wasn't very reassuring.

"We are breaking the rules of time. Which means we cannot rely on timely matters, when it comes to this. Everything else, however, has to be measured precisely. The potion, the place, the people around. That's what we need to get our Arthur back."

Apparently, it's like when you burn down a house. The last thing you should worry about, is if you cleaned up. But you should definitely make sure that it's the right house. Plus, it has to be in a controlled environment. Not that you accidentally burn down the neighbour's house.

That's how Leon explained it. And yet. He couldn't be more wrong.

Merlin was growing more and more anxious by the minute. Even the tiny version of Arthur seemed to notice. The boy kept glancing Merlin's way, as he was playing with the children whose parents had trusted Merlin and Gwen with their care. They were playing hide and seek, if Merlin had paid any attention.

Not to mention that the daycare idea was a complete success, since it had come into effect the day before. People really loved the idea. But Merlin had expected no less. After all, it was Gwen's idea. Plus, she was organising the entire thing. She even hired a few maids to help them, so she wouldn't get lost in the fun of it and forget to organise everything else.

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