IDI4U Chapter 2: Monday

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Of course, Merlin had spend the night.
It was like second nature for them. Yet it felt different, knowing they made out for the better half of last night. Emphasis on 'better'. Okay, admittedly, it wasn't quite making out.

The fake candle's batteries died out completely during the night.
Arthur's eyes shot open.
Shit, he really owed Morgana new batteries.

"Merlin, wake up.", Arthur said and shook Merlin by the shoulder. Merlin mumbled under his breath and curled up even more, his grip in Arthur's shirt tightening a little. Somewhere during the night, they must have shifted closer, because their limbs were a tangled mess.
And Merlin's head rested right next to Arthur's rib cage. Not ON it. Merlin just tended to curl up like a ball in his sleep and Arthur usually found himself embracing that.
'Usually.', Arthur smiled at the thought.

Arthur calmed down a little. Actually, he could let Merlin sleep for another five minutes. It wasn't Merlin's fault that Arthur woke up before his alarm. Like... literally five minutes earlier. This was unusual for him.
But Arthur had been nervous all night, barely able to sleep. And he got the feeling it would only get worse during the upcoming week.
Still. It was Monday. A week day. And they would fake come out today. Arthur was nervous and excited about the whole thing.
How was Merlin so calm right now?

Ah yes. He was asleep.

"Merrrrrrlin.", Arthur grinned and hovered really close over Merlin's ear. Even in his sleep, the idiot began to smile. Arthur's stomach did a small flip at the sight. They had been friends for over a decade and Arthur could still make him smile like that.
"Merrrlin!", Arthur purred again and Merlin sleepily opened his eyes.

"Mrnng", somehow Merlin managed to say 'Morning' without any vocables. It was still adorable.

"Today's the day.", Arthur singsonged.

"Hmm? I don't even have a suit yet, Arthur.", Merlin's eyes weren't fully open. Arthur chuckled. Whatever Merlin was dreaming, it had him stuck in a state of semi consciousness. The kind that had you confuse dream with reality.
Arthur stored away the information that whatever dream this was, Arthur was clearly a part of it. Seemed like a good dream, too.

"You're not going to need a suit, where we're going.", Arthur tried to reason with the sleepyhead, but Merlin chuckled into his dream.

"It's our wedding, Arthur. I won't -", whatever Merlin was saying was horribly deafened by the sudden, way too loud, alarm clock. Merlin's eyes shot open and he accidentally pushed Arthur off the bed. He landed on his butt with a thud and a yelp.
"What?", Merlin asked, while Arthur started laughing uncontrollably on the ground.

"What did I say? Where am I?", disoriented, Merlin looked around in the unfamiliar clean room, until his eyes fell on the fake candles and the previous evening returned to the forefront of his mind. His eyes widened.

It wasn't just a dream. Arthur too, sobered a little and he put on a calm and controlled face.
Merlin, however, flushed completely red. In the early morning light it was hard to miss the way the hair on his neck stood up like he was a cat ready to fight.

"I have no idea. What were you dreaming about? Something about buying suits for a wedding?", Arthur asked with a wide smile.

Merlin paled. Then flushed again. He didn't look like he could decide on what to feel.
"Wait.... I didn't dream that we're going to prank the school that we're dating, did I?", Merlin asked. He must still be drowsy, if he thought he could distract his actual dream with THAT. Merlin seemed to realized it too only moments later.
Merlin, insecure as he was, actually hugged himself. Because, should the answer to his question be a 'no'' - he fucked up big time just now.
That's not a dream you ask your best friend about.

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