The magic realm (part 3)

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I actually based this story on the picture in this chapter. I just didn't feel right posting it before Rayleigh was introduced though.The falcon in this picture is obviously a Merlin.And.... spoiler: I am planning to make Merlin learn to be a bird. Because that's the foundation of this story.I do not know, how on earth it took this big of a turn. ......Well.

BTW: Not to make advertisments or anything, but I kind of made myself a redbubble account. 
In case you're interested, I am quite new to all this. So, XD Not entirely sure how it all works. Link is in my  bio. 
If you have any wishes (you've seen my art) or tips, criticsm or stuff, everything is appreciated :)
I don't expect anyone to buy anything. I just thought it was cool to have the option :)


The food in the magic realm was quite confusing, in Arthur's opinion. They had red apples that were so red that they might as well have been painted in one solid color and didn't taste like apples at all.
There were fruits and vegetables he had never seen before.
There were nuts the size of a small ball and nearly unbreakable. Arthur didn't know how to eat all that.
And he wasn't referring to the quantity of food.
When he finally gave up trying to eat anything that was handed to him and asked for meat, he was almost glared to death by Rayleigh.

Despite the monstrosity that was this castle, Arthur saw no one here. It was surprisingly empty. No servants, no royals. Nothing.
Just the four of them. And Merlin was being so awfully quiet that Arthur wanted to smack him on the head.

Maybe, the castle wasn't actually empty. Arthur saw shadows lurking around. But so far, he couldn't see a single one of them. Well.... apart from their golden eyes. Their bodies blended in to the walls. Into the shadow beneath his own feet. Under the table, under his chair.

Speaking of golden eyes. Tanus' eyes weren't golden at all. In fact, they were the only creature here without golden eyes.

Arthur tapped on the table and tried to ignore the way Merlin was following his every move with his eyes.
If Merlin already had those senses, and these people adored him, was it possible that Merlin could already use magic in this realm?
So far, they hadn't tried. Maybe he could. He should be able to, after everything Gaius had told them.

So, Arthur decided to ask him.
After the meal, they were lead through stone corridors that were illuminated by magically glowing blobs of light.
They had a bluish hue to them. And when Arthur looked closer, he could see golden eyes and a smirking mouth grinning at him.
"What.... what are they?", Arthur asked, upon walking by them.
He could hear them giggle. And he wondered, how it was that he could see them.

"Those -", Rayleigh smiled and halted in her steps, so Arthur had the chance to inspect them further. Merlin as way, looked at them curiously. Tanus just tapped the ground with their foot. Their foot... which was made of largely oversized grass and didn't look like a foot at all.
How they could tap with it was a mystery that Arthur did not care to solve.

"- are kantliz. I suppose you can see them?"

"Would I be able to see anything, were they shadows to me?", Arthur asked and tried to nudge at it.
It gave way, like pudding. Just sturdier.
It laughed at Arthur and then grabbed for his finger with it's mouth. Arthur pulled his hand away and wiped the glowing saliva off of his finger. It laughed again.

"You could still see, don't worry. But it's a good sign that they aren't shadows to you. They are considered the guides for lost wanderers. They exist in your world too. They capture the moon light and spread it all over the world.
That you can see them means that you know that magic can be trusted to show you the right path. That is a wonderful start, Arthur.", she smiled at him.

Merlin's magic (Oneshots) 1Where stories live. Discover now