The magic realm (part 8)

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A.N.://  errrrrrm..... let's just say I don't know what's happening anymore. I'm just rolling with everything here.
I think I kinda lost the meaning behind everything that's happening in Merlin's mind.
Then again, do YOU know everything that's happening in YOUR mind? If so.....
Wtf is wrong with you?
Ok. soory.
I'm in a strange mood. I think I've went through five different genres of fanfiction brainstorming for other stories that I have already forgotten, since the last chapter.
Which is always a sign that I should stop this story. But it's not done.
And it won't be until chapter..... urgh, heck If I know.
Anyways, I want a pet kantliz. Anyone else? I don't even know what that word means. ...... I gotta shut up. Have fa random Merlin painting :)



A week passed in less than the blink of an eye. Quite literally, if you ask Gaius, who was standing right where they left him. Still and unmoving. He's eyelids didn't even flinch yet. Which is why we're not talking about him. Not like he could answer like that.
*clears throat* ahem.


It's not like Arthur had planned for them to stay this long. In fact, he would love to leave much much sooner.
As much as Arthur thought he understood about this world now, there were many more things he had yet to figure out.

To be honest, they weren't really interesting enough for him to extend their stay.
But they were a god damn amazing excuse to stay without making Merlin worry it was HIS fault.

Which, in a way, it kind of was.

Merlin was still unable to use magic. And as pressing as Arthur still felt the premise of their foreboding last battle against Morgana in the real world, he had no reasonable argument to leave now.
Because time was passing differently in this world. And they couldn't risk going back with Merlin being close to useless.
After all, it was quite clear now, that it was never Arthur who was supposed to gain the knowledge over magic here.
No. It was Merlin. Merlin had to regain his abilities, so that Arthur and his knights would have at least, a small chance of surviving.

Arthur tried to keep calm, as he thought of Gwen and the knights and how terrified they were in this very moment.
Arthur had cheated himself out of the pressing time limit.
The least he could do was use it to their advantage. Which ironically meant to start train his.... magic.

Every day, since the ocean incident, Arthur – instead of sword training, as he would have had during this time of day in the real world – went down to the beach and focused on the water.
The regrets, the pain. All those images in Arthur's head of Merlin's memories had not disappeared. And the more he played with the water and tried to shape it to his will, the more he was allowed to see. Small figures of water would play before him. And replay a scene or moment in Merlin's life.
There were some moments where Merlin was playing with friends and hurt them on accident with his magic.
There were other moments, when he actively used it to hurt somebody. Active in, he had no other choice but do this.

Sometimes, Rayleigh accompanied him. She would sit beside him and watch and maybe comment on Arthur's own emotional state.
Because getting invested in someone elses heart is bound to twist your feelings.
When regret is all you face in another person, pity and even self doubt becomes a casual companion of yours.
Rayleigh just did her job as protector of the realm and kept him out of accidentally (and literally) drowning himself.
While also avoiding to touch the waters herself.

Tanus had.... well. Tanus had locked themselves in their room.
They may be Arthur's guide, but they were unwilling to face him. Or anyone, for that matter.
Since they remembered/ recognized who they were, they had not dared to speak or at least eat.
Much like... well, Merlin.

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