Different Type Terms (Part 1)

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The end of the week was now here and things were looking up for everyone. Tarryn and Ephraim made it through the session and they were glad, not that they didn't expect anything less. The communication was there, the understanding was there, and most definitely the changes were there and Tarryn's Pastor was impressed. Truly, he wanted to marry this couple because it reminds him of himself and his wife when they were going through it as a young couple. He used not marrying them as a threat to see if they would really changed and it worked. Now the Pastor sees a clear vision of what's happening in their relationship and not what the couple decided to pick apart.

In another relationship, things unraveled with Elias Jr and his wife Camilla. Taking his younger brother's advice, he came back in the house with no assumptions, no preexisting attitudes or bad energy. Once the brothers left, he took a moment to calm himself down because now he had to be reminded that his kids were there but he relaxed himself for his own sake as well. When he gets upset he can get pretty scary and he doesn't like that.

Once the kids were settled and out of the way, they finally had a grown up talk. The first point that Elias brought up was about hiding the pregnancy and her only response was that he didn't want to know about it because he felt like he would get attached when she totally wasn't. She didn't want anymore children. Speaking freely, she was done after the fourth child but she had baby number 5 because of her husband. She loves all of her kids but being pregnant takes a toll on a woman's body and can potentially have lifelong effects on a woman. One being Camilla's back teeth falling out, constant nausea, and having anxiety. Birth control wasn't any better because all it did was give her problems.

Camilla further explained why she was angry and hid everything. She was angry because she didn't want to be pregnant. Each time she was pregnant, Elias was barely there. That's why she called him a weekend father. She only seen him completely at the house on weekends because any other day he was at the hospital cutting a patient open or stitching them up. And then it'll be another patient and another after that. He was barely present. Her own mother and his mother would go to the appointments with her and she felt that moment should have been shared with her husband; the man who impregnated her in the first place.

Throughout each of her pregnancies, Camilla would see a change in him. It's like anything and everything just ticked him off. She knew about his slight anger issues but she seen it get worse over time. The more angrier he gets the more he blacks out. Once he reached his peak of anger and then comes down, she always asks if he remembered what he said and he would always say no because he would be confused by her attitude the next day. When she was pregnant with baby number 6, she knew he wasn't happy. In fact, he smacked his teeth and balled his fists up and told her that they didn't have enough money to feed another mouth.

Camilla catches an attitude with him and that ticked him off. He put his hands on her and this time she finally put her hands on him back. All of this was right after he followed her at Planned Parenthood. She seen the regret on his face when he hit her and he already knew that she was going to tell someone about what happened so he beat her to it and told everyone what she said and did and try to put her in a bad light. In reality, she was the victim and he was the villain.

While all she has is her mother, she knew that if Elias told his brothers that they will believe them in a heart beat. That's how close the brothers were. Loyalty no questions asked.

But after a long day of work, Virtue heads right to the nail salon where she scheduled an appointment to get her feet and nails done. In the nail salon, she was meeting up Mama Carryn and Tarryn as they do their birthday traditions of hanging out with one another. Once she was out of her car and into the chair, she greets them both whose feet was already in the water.

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