...Are like Sunshine and Rain

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"God we thank you for this day. Thank you for granting us new mercies and new grace. Protect us on both of our journeys, protect our hearts, protect our minds and protect our energies. On this trip to California, help Virtue understand the things that she might have known and give her clarity as you would give anyone of your children. Protect my brother East as he also make travels to the opposite ends of the earth. Protect his wife and their unborn child, comfort her when its needed and protect her when its necessary. Build a hedge of protection around all of us as I pray this prayer. We love you and we thank you in Jesus' name, amen." Exodus prayed.

Virtue said 'amen' and they shared a small kiss. Hand in hand, and in their pajamas, they walked to Exodus' car and he put his duffel bag in the backseat. He pulled her in for a hug and she plopped right into his chest, not wanting to let go. She knows that she'll see him soon but how long will that be?

"I don't want you to go," She said with a heavy pout.

"Me neither baby, especially since I gotten so used to being in your space," He said kissing her forehead. "I gotten used to your bathroom that you stole from Bath and Bodyworks, your presence, your endless amounts of plants, your silk pillows, and your smile especially." He titled her head up and he kissed her lips again.

"You know I'm gonna cry when you get in the car and pull off, right?" She fanned her eyes through the embrace.

"And you know that I am only a phone call away right?" He threw back and she playfully smacked her lips.

"It's not the sameee," She dragged out. "Not after I gotten used to us being skin to skin every night, your scent, our late night mumbles since we can barely stay up but want too, and following you around the house wherever you go." She pouted again and Exodus laughed at the last part because it was true. Virtue followed him everywhere, everywhere but the bathroom.

"It's the same for me pretty girl. I gotten used to everything you do and I'm totally in love with it. It's gonna be weird waking up and not smelling Eucalyptus and Lavender or Vanilla and Sage, or Virtue and her beautiful eyes or her gorgeous smile." Exodus said and Virtue immediately blushes.

It gets quiet between them as they savored the embrace. When they pull apart, they pout simultaneously and they crack a smile.

"I love you, baby." He kissed her forehead.

"Love you too, Papa." She reached up and kissed his forehead which he found amusing because he never had that done to him before. Did he like it? Yeah.

They talk a little more until Exodus got in the car and they exchanged 'I love you's' again and kissed again. After an extra five minutes, Exodus finally pulls off and head in the direction of the highway. Virtue makes it back in the apartment and honestly, she couldn't even go back to sleep after that.

To busy herself since she was no longer tired, she decorated her apartment. She been was supposed to decorate for the holidays but there was so much going on but now she has time on her hands. She put up her Christmas tree, trimmed it, and put an angel up instead of a star. Of course she had The Temptations playing in the background. She also decorated her dining room table with Christmas table cloths and mugs. She certainly got that from Mama Carryn.

She pulled out wrapping paper, ribbons, tape and scissors and opened her door. She decorated her door and that took up the most time. When she was done, her door looked like a perfectly wrapped Christmas present. Also gotten this from Mama Carryn too.

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