Admit That...

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Same Night...

"Take a drive with me, love." Exodus whispers in Virtue's ear as she woke up. She took note of the raspiness in his voice and it made her feel some type of way. It was a mix of raspiness and sleepiness and Virtue loved it but she doesn't want to put her thoughts there but she can't help it.

Responding anyway, she says, "And go where? I'm pretty sure its late." She responded as she remained in his lap. She actually surprised herself at the fact that she has successfully fallen asleep and stayed that way for hours. Successfully without a melatonin. Maybe sleeping on Exodus was her melatonin. Who knows.

He noticed that her eyes are still closed and that she's still which means that she went back asleep. He checked the time on his phone and seen that it was past 11pm. He attempts to wipe the sleep out of his eyes as he reads one of multiple texts from Ephraim. Instead of texting him back, he just ended up calling him.

Ephraim answered on the second ring. "Where your Black ass at?" He gets out and Exodus sighs.

He clears his throat saying, "I am Mama Carryn's house with Virtue. We went and grabbed some food and then ended up taking a nap." He said and Ephraim smacked his lips.

"The burial ended at 3 and it is past 11pm so that must've been a long nap bruh." He peeped and Exodus chuckled because Ephraim trying to conjure up something.

He continued chuckling, "We got tired bruh." Ephraim smacked his lips again and this time he heard raveling so Exodus knew that he had to be munching on something.

"Just say you wanna be up under Virtue and call it a day." This time Ephraim laughed loudly and Exodus shook his head. He knew that he was home alone because Tarryn would have been yelled at his ass by now. Either that or he'll be sleep.

"Just say you miss Tarryn and your ass is lonely."

"Nigga hush. Just let me know your next moves and be ready for tomorrow morning. We are getting fitted for our tux for the wedding." He reminded his best friend.

"I got you, King."

"Alright love you." He said sincerely.

"Love you too, man." He said back and with that they hung up the phone.

He turned his attention back to Virtue who was still sound asleep. He was about to caress her cheek until her phone dinged again. He leaned over and seen that Maddox was texting yet again. He gently shook Virtue awake and of course she woke up with an attitude. "What is it Clay?" She said calling him by his middle name.

"Maddox is texting you." He informed her and all she did was grab her phone and looked at the message and then threw her phone back on the couch and attempted to go back to sleep.

Truthfully she wasn't ready to talk to Maddox because of what happened that night and what happened with Tareek.  Him being on Tareek's case didn't sit right with her. Right after Tareek died and she found out that he was working the case, Maddox lets her know Antwan will likely not be charged for killing Tareek. Antwan has some people on the force that sits right under his nose. So in the none biblical sense, Antwan has the police department on his shoulder.

Maddox felt useless in this particular situation. But what Maddox does know that when the time comes, one of Antwan's crew members are going to take the fall for the crime. Loyalty is a bitch sometimes.

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