Conscience Mind.

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Everything went through the food chain when it came to Virtue not going to work for the duration of her pregnancy. Because it was the doctor's orders and because Dr. Boone did lay her eyes on her, she concluded that it'd be best if Virtue was out for the remainder of the school year. She was going to be out in May anyway, so they figured that why not start a month early.

H.D. staff, faculty, and students sent up prayers for her and well wishes and Virtue truly appreciates it. Some of her seniors emailed her and told her to get well and it made her smile. Same thing for some of the teaching staff. She loved them all.

The first week home was difficult though. She was restless, couldn't quite keep anything down, and she had a recurring headache. Exodus stuck around for a while before she forced him to go to work. She forced Kamal to go to work too. They obeyed her wishes but in between that, Exodus made a phone call. He phoned Mama Carryn so she can keep an eye on Virtue.

Admittedly, Mama Carryn was stretched thin. She was dealing with checking up on Tarryn and making sure that she's getting the proper care that she needs, and making sure that their house is in order. She was also helping Tarryn sort through legal documents, lending her a helping hand so she won't feel overwhelmed.

She wasn't worried about the babies because the in-house daycare was across the street from Virtue's house so she can get them from there. Between dealing with Tarryn and her constant rollercoaster of emotions, their house, and everything else in between, she needed a break.

What surprised her in all of this was that Ephraim's mother Senada hadn't stepped in. There was a lot on her son's shoulders and Mama Carryn thought as a mother, you should be there to help your child, but she hasn't. Even when he reached out, she didn't pick up the phone for him.

In private conversation with her daughter, Tarryn told her mother that she doesn't trust his mother because she feels like she's stealing from Ephraim. She also added that if he's stealing from Ephraim than he's stealing from her too. She didn't believe her at first until Ephraim's debit card went missing for a day.

While Ephraim and Tarryn went out for a walk, Mama Senada discreetly came into the house looking for something in particular. Mama Carryn was fixing dinner for the house and when she saw her, she offered to help. She said that she left her green blanket over here. She went back to cooking but after a few moments, his mother left.

Later that night, Ephraim was looking for his card because he was going to send Tarryn on a self-care spa day but he couldn't find it. He first thought that he took it with him and he dropped it but Tarryn knew that he left his card in the house. She saw him lay his card down on the edge of the bed.

In a gentle way, Mama Carryn told him that his mother might've taken it because she popped up in the house and stayed for only 5 minutes. Ephraim didn't receive that. His mother couldn't have possibly stole from him because he drops money in her account every month. Why steal when she has money? When he refused to accept the fact that his mother might be stealing, he kinda went off on Mama Carryn.

Both Tarryn and Carryn was surprised at Ephraim and Tarryn was going off on him on her mother's behalf but she told Tarryn to let it go. Mama Carryn excused herself for that night and hadn't said a word about it since. Since then, the house has been tense.

Exodus asked to keep an eye on Virtue just in case something out of the norm happens. As tired as she was, she went over there to check on her daughter. When she went over there, Virtue wasn't doing so good so she ended up staying the night and she kinda didn't mind because she didn't want to be over Ephraim and Tarryn's house anyway.

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