Face The Music

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6 hours. Two successfully removed bullets. One blood transfusion. One sigh of relief. Two hand cuffs.

Milan survived and Virtue couldn't be happier. He was alive and could see another day. Of course law enforcement came and hand cuffed him immediately to a bed the moment he opened his eyes. Because of Maddox, Virtue knew that he was going to jail. She knew what he was charged with but she didn't know how long his sentence would be.

She was just glad that she could see him. His uncle didn't call back not once and it made her upset. She knew Milan did some unforgivable shit but damn. Family or not, she felt like he should have been there. She left several calls and messages.

She also gotten calls from Magnus and Barnard letting her know what happened even though she already knows. They were both on their way to the hospital but Virtue shared with them it is a serious situation and probably won't make it in. The only reason how Virtue got in is because she said that she was the closest thing to family and when the police tried calling his Uncle and other family members on the list, they simply didn't answer. When Milan seen her, he begged the nurses and policemen to let her in.

Law enforcement let her know that she couldn't touch him and that she only had a certain amount of time. But their time together wasn't sweet at all. Instead she told him how weak of a man he was. She called him a habitual liar and a cheat. She called him an unhealthy attachment. She did let him know that he had scared her really badly and prayed that he didn't die and he tried to make a joke about her being a praying woman but she didn't laugh. Milan did know that he was going away for a while and Virtue hoped that he finds real peace. Being in confinement will reveal certain things to you. It might give you clarity, understanding or revelation. 

Milan wants to choose peace. Finding out that his family didn't even answer the call made him realize that he really burned those bridges. He loved drugs more than he loved his family and it showed because no one showed up for him. Even though Virtue's words hurt, he was grateful for her honesty. He told her that he loved her and she told him that she loved him. She promised to be there for his sentencing and promised to write but he has to write first whenever he's ready. They couldn't interlock pinkies but they gave each other looks and gave one another winks.

Before she left, she prayed over him and his life and then she walked out. Since it just hit 6 in the morning, she said her morning prayer and got into her car. Since it was Sunday, she texted Mama Carryn to pray her strength in the Lord and let her know that she wasn't coming to church. She was extremely tired and exhausted and all she need is her bed right now.

She finally made it home and parked her car. Outside of the apartment complex was Magnus, Shelly, and Barnard per usual. They all seen her car pull up and they waited for her to come out of the car. Once she was out, she immediately hugs Magnus, followed by Barnard and gave Shelly a head nod. He's not an emotional person or a hugger so she wouldn't dare try to hug that man.

"He dead?" Shelly asked, not wasting a second. She watched him light up a cigarette and take a long pull from it.

Automatically thinking that Barnard and Magnus didn't tell Shelly, she just shook her head no. "He survived  but he's gonna be off the streets for a while." She said in a somber tone. It was a sad situation but it was on the account of Milan's choices.

"Hope that nigga find his way." Shelly said in nonchalance as he took another pull from his cigarette.

"Hell yeah man." Barnard agrees.

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