With Breaking Hearts.

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So I observed y'all won't even comment, yes? It's 3 in the morning, and I'm winding up the toughest chapter for y'all. Cause I don't want to disappoint you by giving late updates. Never mind, it releases much burden of giving regular updates. Hope you enjoy.

Caution - Readers discretion advised. Emotional chap ahead.

Note - Grab tissue papers. You might not need it, but it's my duty to tell.

Suggest a song for this chap.


"Love, so much, yet the world couldn't
let it survive.



"I love you. I love you." He repeated, hoping she'd detect the sincerity in his voice. Hoping she'd see, nothing has changed. He loved her then, and he loves her now. The feelings, the intensity, everything is the same. There wasn't any farce in it, maybe, it's beyond belief anymore, but he loves her, always has, always will.

"L-ike thi-s?" Mehak whispered, not finding it in herself to speak louder. She pointed towards the bruises on her arms visible to his eyes. Mehak didn't know what sort of love was he implying at? One, that included her destruction? One, where he ruined her purity, called her names, and broke her beliefs on life?

Aksh clenched his shirt over his heart, making the crisp shirt worn in creases. It wasn't painful, it was lethal for him. He swallowed hard, trying to look at the marks he gave on her skin without breaking on his knees in front of her with his misty eyes. He knew he deserved the torment of watching the scars. He deserved the sharp pain rising in his heart, and higher in his throat and lungs.

"Not like this." He spoke through closed teeth, gritting them hard. "Never like this." His eyelashes trembled, as he refused to look away from the tormenting sight. The brown slashes on her skin were producing invisible slashes on him. It was breaking him, but he didn't look away. He deserved the pain.

The self hatred rose, and even though the pain killers have worn off, and the tremendous pain of the fresh whip scars were consuming him, yet he wished to hurt himself even more. The memory of her scars were imprinted in his eyes, and he knew he won't forgive himself. He won't let the pain free him.

"Love is never easy to explain, rose." He began, yet looking at the scars. Tears were collected in the corner of his eyes. Both of them looked at the scars on her hands, looking at the symbols of their destroyed love.

"The love, the affection I showered on you, were real. Not even a moment of our love, was a facade or a part of any covered lies. It is not believable for you, and I understand it all. I don't blame you for thinking that it was fake, I was fake, the moments were fake. I wish love was a thing which could come with a proof, and not just a feeling, I wish I could show you the love I carry for my in my heart. I wish, it was possible to measure love. But unfortunately, the only way to express love are words and actions. My actions have already fa-i-le-d me after what I did, and I know you won't find my words trust worthy." The collected tears started dribbling down.

"I'm the same Aksh, who couldn't stand your tears, I'm the same Aksh who wanted to protect you from everything, I'm the same Aksh-" Mehak couldn't take it anymore.

"Yo-you are the same A-k-s-h who h-u..rt me. Your the sa-me A-k-s-h who killed your r-o-se, instead of pro-tecti-ng m-e." Mehak said softly over her heavy breaths. Her voice was low, but Aksh heard her.

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