Love Kills.

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Request - Can anyone make me a cover, if possible?

Note - Parts written within "~~~~~~~~" and in italics are memories playing inside her head.

Who all were waiting for the update? Let me know.


"Who says love always heals?
It often kills."



Mehak Singhania's P.O.V

"L-ea-leave m-me." Clutching my heart, I chocked out again. My midrib ached so much at his blow, that I was ready to fall unconscious again. My heart throbbed with so much agony that I couldn't differentiate between the physical pain and the emotional pain. Combined together, they made my beat unsteadily slow, and un-rhythmic.

I wasn't prepared for the next blow that came my way, as he harshly pulled my sagged shoulders and ripped open my dress from the front. I hadn't worn any under garments cause of the spreading ache caused by the blue - now turning black bruises. My heart stilled, as the fear of being forced again made its way through my heart. My breathing deepened, my burning lungs worked with the ache yet no oxygen entered inside my body. The heaviness started to weigh my heart down, pushing the remains of my ruins into deepest of pits of darkness.

His eyes looked feral, animalistic, just like earlier when he snatched away my modesty in brutalised way. I shook my head frantically, trying to get away from his firm grasp. My sagged shoulders started jolting vigorously, and my weak fingers started protesting by placing them on his chest. I started hiccuping violently, as my whole body went into defensive mode.

But a sudden jerk of pressure from him, halted all my frail attempts. He trailed his fingers on my throat, where the bruises resided, then glided down my neck to chest area, and caressed the blueish parts with his thumb, which imiatiated a wince from me everytime. He glided his down to right on the middle of my chest, making a wail of pain escape my lips as he jabbed the same caressing thumb with force on the site wound.

"You want to leave me?" He applied more pressure on the same area, and my wails broke free.

"P-pl-please." My trembling lips whispered in sheer agony, as chain of screams of wails wanted to break free.

"A bloody slave does not dares to utter a single word until have been granted permission for it. And you, my slave, dared to ask for freedom." Applying more pressure, he pressed his forefinger along with his thumb on it, making the pain unbearable. I pressed my lips tightly, and sucked my inner cheeks inside to swallow the pain, as tears glided down my red shot eyes.

"Dream. Dream. Dream." He sang in a low voice, making my insides clench. My eyes watched the devil smiling as he again started caressing the damaged area.

"Keep dreamin' to get free from my clutches." He whispered close to my ear, and bit on the upper part of my ear harshly. Jerking my body close, he made my bruised chest clash against his hard abs, earning another sharp wince from my lips.

"Dare to step out a foot outside, and the repercussions would have you bowed down in extreme pain." He hissed, touching our chests closer, making me whimper in pain.

[Glossary - Repercussions : Consequences.]

"I want you to prepare a good Indian feast for 6 people. My important clients are coming and dare you embarras me in front of them. I'll not overlook even a single mistake. Make sure everything is perfect and most importantly make sure to stay in your limits." Leaving me with a thud, he stood up, as I staggered back on the floor, with my palms on the back supporting my falling frame. Gulping deep breaths, I looked up at him, who passed me a disgusting look, tearing my eyes some more.

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