The Trounce Of His Heart.

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Who's excited to read? Here you go!

Dedicated to jincy_06

Caution - Tears ahead.

Okay, so I've been told that the story is boring, for those set of readers, kindly leave. It's as simple as that. 🙃

How many of you are shipping for their separation?

Comments are the key for updates.

"His heart kneeling down was his biggest defeat."




The grays stared at the lines of fate, running across his palm, the empty hands staring back at him. These hands had enveloped every fire, every blow, surged through every battle, for one mere thing, to keep those smiles intact, never once complaining when he lost his own smile amidst his trials. But as he sat today, trying to remember where did he go wrong. He had no answers. Then why? Why was he not worthy of a little faith? No answer. Maybe it was the stars, those faulty stars, or maybe it was him.

And now, when he had accepted everything, accepted the faults written in his damned stars, they are back, trying to crawl inside the bleeding acceptance, digging the wounds deeper, like a mockery. This hurts more. Having this love of his family back, hurt more, more than the hatred.

"Sir." Roy broke his chain of thoughts, "Yes, Roy." Aksh shook his head, those depressive thoughts didn't help those vicious voices in his head. They pushed him hard, degrading his existence, and sadly it wasn't in his hands to stop either of them.

"Here are the reports of your dad and Aarush Sir. I've personally talked with their doctor. There are no complications. And they are absolutely safe." Roy made sure to press on his words, knowing Aksh's need. Aksh took the files, before he took a look himself. "Have a food chart made for dad, and I want to see the doctor myself."

"Noted, sir." Finally, he heaved a relived breath. His dad and champ were safe. "Have you-"

"Akshu Akshu!" Aksh jolted up, startled, only to have a little girl running towards him, her chubby small legs pausing in front of him before she graced him with a big goofy smile, "Akshu!" She repeated, making his lips part in confusion. How did she know about his name? The little girl bounced on her feet, all chirpy, and oblivious.

"Hey," He moved lower, reaching her height, "How do you know my name?" He asked softly. "Flower told me!" The little girl answered enthusiastically, "Flower?" Aksh repeated, looking at her with hazed eyes. The little girl hit her forehead softly, "You don't know Flower? She is pretty pretty-" Aksh's breath hitched, as the girl tried to recall the exact name.

"Rose?" He whispered, making the girl squeal out, "Yes, yes!" His heart exploded inside his chest, pushing against his ribcage.

Aksh swallowed before looking back at her, "What is your name, little one?"

"Piya!" She chirped out, before looking at the window where Mehak stood in tears. Mehak signed piya with her fingers making the small ball of energy nod at her positively. "A beautiful name for a pretty girl." Aksh patted her cheeks.

"Smile!" Aksh looked at her, puzzled at the sudden command, "Akshu, smile!" Piya ordered once again, before lifting the corners of his lips, trying to make the lips touch a smile, "Flower said to make you smile-smile!" The little girl explained, while almost squishing his cheeks. Aksh gave in, passing a faint smile, the small girl was too adorable to deny.

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