Flirty Musings And Miffed Retorts.

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Who's excited to read? Here you go!

Delay - The update was delayed cause I got vaccinated. Get yourselves vaccinated asap too.

Thank you to all those who nominated me in the wattpad love awards. I appreciate it. 🧡

I got a contract sign up offer from goodnovel, which ofcourse I denied cause I couldn't let my readers stay hanging. But it's disheartening when majority don't take out a single second to merely press the star icon and vote. Anyways, enjoy!

An extra large update again!(4200 words) Hope it compensates. Don't forget to leave your reviews.


"Shadows of pain,
sucked out the love from blooming
hearts, leaving it to crumble."



Blinking up with a smile, Aksh masked
all the features which would express his pain, before rushing past Aarush and Piyush, not daring to meet the eyes of his champ. His hasty steps was synching with his thudding heart, but the face wore none of the emotions. Aksh cringed at his own reflection in the glass of the cabin, and how fake of a smile his face was adorned with, but he effortlessly kept the practiced smile on his lips and entered the cabin.

Entering, he noticed frowns marring on Mehak's forehead, and lips in a downward curve. He knew she was thinking about some awful things. Pulling up his fake cheshire smile, he immediately went ahead to distract her her away from the bad thoughts.

"Here's your coffee!" Mehak was pulled out of her thoughts at the voice, the cheery voice which was followed by a grin on his face. She refused to look into those eyes cause she was afraid she will see something which she has been denying with her all might. But if only she had seen into those gray depths, she would have recognised the facade, the painful facade hidden perfectly in the layers of smile.

"Took you long enough." Mehak quirked one of her eyebrows, "Did Piyush not make it for you this time?"

"Mrs Singhania," He started with a wink, "Knowing your addiction towards my handmade coffee, how can I let Piyush make it?" He smiled, the same smile which was hiding every crunch playing in his heart.

Mehak glowered at his charming words. This, this is what had been messing her thoughts. Why was he so cheery cheery, when he should have been unleashing his wrath for wounding his ego. Not knowing the reason for his all merry behaviour was irking her, failing her attempts to hurt his ego. He was supposed to threaten her, hurt her, but here he was calmly abiding to her orders. Why!?

Where was the master who made her a slave, a servant?

"I'm not addicted to your coffee." She gritted out. "The only reason I'm having this shit you call caffeine is cause I can't let my others do my pa's work." Who was she kidding? He made one of the best coffees, and his coffee was her only favourite cup. She has demanded him to make her coffee daily when things were....

Memories. Memories. Memories.

"Mrs Singhania-"

"Quit calling me that before I throw the coffee on your face," She took the coffee before swirling her finger around the rim, "-again." She added, hoping to see the anger which she was sure he must be feeling.

He was successful in distracting her.

"Since you are so eager to share the coffee with me, let's make use of our lips for it?" He smirked, and Mehak almost emptied the cup on his face before frowning. "Why is it cold?"

His Fragile Rose. [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now