Lunatic Detains Of Destruction.

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Who's excited to read? Here you go.

I've lost counts of how many times I've written and deleted this chapter. And I'm still not convinced, hence the delay. I wanted to write it again but it was getting late. I know you are eager to know who joker is, but no rotten eggs.

Comments are the key. With the amount of stress cause of the commencement of my offline classes, I really need some push to write soon.


"Love is dangerously beautiful."



"Mehak ma'am is taken away, sir."

"What do you mean, Roy?!" Aksh panicked, his voice giving away his inner emotions, "How is that possible? Did you cross check the guards appointed for her?" Roy kept his head down, indicating the failure of the security. Aksh closed his eyes, fists clenching tight, feeling defeated.

"The guards tried to fight, but they were outnumbered." Roy said, knowing how much that would effect Aksh. He has personally assisted Aksh in making the security impenetrable. "They knew all the positions of our guards. It was perfectly planned." Aksh didn't respond for few seconds, slumping against the wall, holding his face down.

"Is that your e-excuse, Ro-y?" Aksh staggered over his words. "Perfectly fucking planned? That's your fucking excuse!-" Aksh paused as Roy's phone rang loudly. He watched Roy's expressions as he talked over the call,  and his formed fists became tighter. His heart hammering with the urge to run and find his rose and make the damned joker to burn in deepest pits of burning hell, but the expression on Roy's face held his feet back.

"Sir." Roy couldn't match Aksh's eyes, "Wha-t-t?" Aksh looked at him with hope that his rose was fine, which seemed false with the way Roy spoke, "R-roy?" He whispered out, afraid, his frozen feet staggering on his steps.

"Aarush sir is taken away too, sir." Roy didn't dare look up as he spoke. He has seen how Aksh was protective about his family, he has seen everything, how his family was the only priority for Aksh, and now this. He knew hell would break loose.

"C-ham-p..." Aksh whispered. He couldn't believe that the two people he so desperately tried to shield, tried so hard to keep away from harm, were taken away, right under his watch. "R-r-ose.." He shook his head vigorously.

This can't be happening. That fucking joker can't take away his world like that! How can he let them be taken away? Wasn't he supposed to protect them? How can he fucking fail? These two were the sole reason that he was fighting, and he lost them to joker's hands so easily? His dishelved hairs bore the rage of his rage, as he tugged them harshly.

"No! No fucking way." Aksh looked murderous with the rage in his eyes, "Nobody gets to harm my family. No fucking body." He mumbled, repeatedly. "I've to sav-e th-em. Nothin-g will happe-n to the-m. I'll sav-e t-hem. C-ham-p trust-s m-e. I won't brea-k his trus-t."

"Sir-" Roy's voice went unheard.

"R-r-ose...I promise-d her. I-I-I...the-y..."

"Sir we'll save them. Calm down." Roy tried once again, but Aksh was in his own world.

"Nothin-g will h-appe-n-"

"SIR!" Roy shook Aksh's shoulders hard, making his frenzy eyes match his. Aksh's gaze went towards Rudra and his sister and all his restraint was unleashed. He marched towards him, lifting Rudra up from the ground, making the latter reach his sister out of reflex. "" Rudra didn't find Aksh this scary as he did at the moment.

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