Love, Pain and Fluctuating Spasms.

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**Surbhi is Rudra's mother. And if you don't remember Rudra, sue me.**

Dedicated to sketchy_niti You are strong. 🧡


Staying together in love is tough.
But what about when loving hurts?
~and unloving isn't an option.



Aksh's gray eyes looked like a moon surrounded by pale reddish clouds, as he sat beside his rose, his fingers cascading along her hair, looking at the slightly parted lips of hers and cheeks blotched with tears. Brushing his fingers on her pale cheeks, he tried to remove the tear stains, not liking them to capture her soft rosy cheeks. He smiled, she didn't like to be called rosy cheeks, but did that stop him to say that ever? Anything paired with the word rose, legitimately suits his babyrose.

He remembered what happened few hours ago.

Breathtakingly, after the truth was out, she froze and after a sudden touch she just broke. Screaming, laughing, breathless all at once. Eyes poured all the pain she felt while she stayed up the nights thinking how could her parents do that to her? Now she had all the answers. They were never her parents. All the time she thought what did she do offend them, to have them treat her as a trash.

But now every answer was present, and that hurt more. The pain of having her father in front of her eyes, yet never being able to hide in his arms to get the feeling of protection, the pain of having her mother, but not being able to find comfort in her lap. The pain exploded just with one truth, the father, the mother, she didn't have them to begin with. Her real parents were dead, and she hopelessly tried to find her parents in Subhadra and Ranjeet Randhawa.

The tears she had shed at their hatred, their refusals, their torture, their words, their punishments seemed to weigh upon her. And the weight tried to loosen up through her tears, the painstaking tears. But what could mere tears do when it hurts so much? When it gets so much to hold inside the heart? The tears fell, and fell, trying to help but they lost the battle alongwith her vocal cords. The pain won, taking over her. Slowly, and deeply.

Aksh looked at her slumped figure, trying to help, his arms forming a halo trying to pull her inside and soak in all the pain overpowering her.

So while she screamed pouring her pain, Aksh pressed his lips trying to keep it inside. While she let her tears fall, he closed his eyes to store them in. While she closed her own ears, unable to take her own screams, he heard each of those. Sitting close to her, yet unable to console her. Not able to share her pain, help her get through it, made him feel like the most deserted man in the world.

He sat close, not touching her, letting her break, and helplessly controling his own sobs. His silent presence did help, even though neither realised it. And when she sucked in a breath, unable to go through, he lost his restraints and pulled her into his chest, tucking her right on the top of his chest. The tears he tried to store in, fell while he held her, and the two cried together.

It didn't matter that it were Aksh's arms around her, the pain was too much to decipher that. The familiar arms let her muffle her screams, providing the same comfort she felt with her Akshuu. She soaked his shirt, he soaked his eyeslashes. Her palms held his shirt, gripping it, and with each fold of increase of her grip, his arms gave her the comfort by pulling her close.

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