Harmonizing The Agony.

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The updated is delayed, I know, but partly the decreased comments are affecting it. I'll try to work on the next one faster. It's coming to an end either ways.


"Pain makes you appreciate happiness."



Clicks resonated as she ascended the small flight of stairs, the black business suit paired with shades, the curly waves of her hairs framed her face and the look of elegance her posture reflected made heads turn her way. She signed the bodyguards to halt, as she entered the lush restaurant. She scanned the area quickly but there were no signs of her crazy friend.

"Falak. I've reached." Mehak stated as soon as the call was connected. Falak let out a nervous giggle, "Yeah?"

Mehak frowned, "Where are you?" She deadpanned. "There is a reservation made at table no 206?" Falak answered apprehensively. Mehak was exasperated, but she spotted the said table and walked towards it. She paused three steps away, "Did you say reservation?"


"Why is there a man sitting-"

"Well about that--"


"He's your blind date." Falak was prepared to hear a screech but silence prevailed so she rushed to explain, "It's been an year now, Mehak. But you seem to be stuck at the same place. You cannot go on like this. You've to move on. You need to move on. I do not mean to pressurize you like this, but just give it a try? Consider it as an outing. Not an actual date. How would you-" Falak stared at her phone with a sigh.

The call was disconnected.

Mehak didn't hesitate to turn back and headed straight towards the exit, unbothered about the man waiting there. Falak created the mess, she could very well clean it. She maintained the look of negligence until she reached her car, "Leave." The bodyguards nodded and the moment she pulled up the tinted windows, her body sagged with slight tremors.

Resting her head on the steering wheel, she clenched her fist, "Why do you not understand Falak? I need to move on from the pain. But there's no way I could move on from him. No way. Even after an year, he stays the same, in my heart, behind my closed eyes, echoing inside my ears, whispering rose. Then...h-how?"



New York.
Singhania's Residency.

"Dad, don't ruin the surprise!" Aarush yelled in horror. Raghuvendra scratched his neck sheepishly, "I think...this does not look edible." Aarush rolled his eyes, "You overcooked the pasta."

"You told me to let it shimmer for 5-6 minutes. I did!" His dad countered back. Piyush took a look at the pan and felt sorry for Aksh.

"I specifically mentioned at low flame."

"Well yes. But it was taking time. Time is precious." Vendra explained seriously, making Piyush try to shuffle his laughter.

"Dad." Aarush made a crying face, making Piyush lightly cough to hide the bubbling laughter but alas he was noticed, "Piyush." Aarush called before forwarding a spoonful towards him. "What?" He asked, perplexed. Piyush bhagggg.

His Fragile Rose. [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now