Her destroyer.

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"Destroying a heart is always easy.
But mending it back is ~
close to impossible."



Aksh Singhania's P.O.V

After speaking, I slowly lifted my head up, gathering all my courage to meet Anurag's eyes. After my shameful deeds, all I could see in his eyes was detest for me. I wasn't surprised to see hatred in his eyes. I was, indeed, purely detestable.

"More than your love, you are inhumane. A sadistic monster." Anurag spat out, gazing me with fury in his eyes.

"You claim to love her when you cherished her pain? When you felt contented after inflicting injuries upon her! Is that your insane love for her? Your nothing but a heartless bastard who broke a pure soul. I can't believe you're the same friend of mine who use to make me feel so proud. You are just a egostic, self centered, ruthless, psychotic man with severe anger management issues and not to forget your sick twisted way of destruction which you are hiding so magnificently and shamelessly under the frame of love." He continued with harsh words, and I stood there with my head hung low, silently taking the pain which rose in my chest. Everytime I get reminded of my actions I feel the pain enveloping me in its dark arms, taking away every bit of my peace.

The only person who can give few shreds of peace to me doesn't wishes to wake up.

"No matter how monstrous or psychotic way I behaved with my babyrose, but I cannot stand the accusation that I'm hiding my unforgivable actions under the mask of love. I've always loved her from the moment I looked at her innocent face. My love for her never decreased since then. Yes, I was delusional. Yes, I was blinded. Yes, I behaved like a deranged psychotic bastard but I love her. Love her way too much. I can never-" I was cut off by a bitter laugh from Anurag. I swallowed my words back and closed my eyes, knowing well he didn't believe on my love for her. How do I make him believe that I truly love her? I will mutely take any blame upon me. Any blame. But I just couldn't control myself when he said that I'm hiding my sins under my love.

Is it that hard to believe on my love?

"Love?" He chuckled pitifully.

"Are you sure you love her? And it never decreased?" Anurag said in a low, menacingly cold voice, slicing my heart. His sarcastic remark burned my wounds and I bit my lip to stop myself from screaming till he believes that I love my babyrose truly and irrevocably. I opened my misty eyes and found him looking at me disgustingly. I kept mum, taking the burn, and letting it flame my heart and have it bleed again.

"The only reason I'm bearing your pathetic presence is because she has no one as a namesake family besides you. The way you manipulated and used your husbandly rights to take charge of her guardianship for the agreement of operations showed your real cunning and shitty self. I won't take a second to throw you behind the bars and let you rot there but being a shameless pig you are you fucking refused to make me her guardian and you now have the audacity to give me the bullshit that you love her?! After buying the police officials, right from the politicians to the media, you are expecting me take your love excuse?" He clenched his teeth so hard that I feared they would fall off. Though his teeth didn't fall, but my tears fell one after another. The realisation that no one will believe on my love was heartbreaking but for all I know, I deserve every bit of it.

" I'll happily let you throw me in prison or even feed me to dogs, but after I make sure she's fine and out of danger. I'm not wishing for any forgiveness from her. I only wish to make her alive again, to mend her unrepairable self and let her hurt me all she wants. You can blame me for anything you want. I won't deny anything except-" My barely audible whisper was cut off again.

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