Meticulously Broken.

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Dedicated to Priyaaaaa_D


"Even the rain couldn't absorb his pain,
Which her words staged."



Mehak Singhania's P.O.V.

"Would you not even look at me, rose?" His voice immediately drew my attention towards him, away from the window, I had been constantly staring at. I looked at him, before silently biting my lips, "Nervous, again?" He asked, giving me a glance.

"N-no." I grew warm as his left hand found mine, his fingers parting my clenched fist, and as if enchanted, they uncurled, letting him weave our fingers. "This is like our eighth date in two months. By now, you should be demanding kisses." I looked at him wide-eyed. Demanding what?!

He looked at me and grinned, "What? You are my fiancé, you should be teasing me right now as we drive. But you are being so silent." He continued looking at me wide-eyed. He was impossible. "Tease you?"

"Don't you know? Like you can start with trailing your fingers on my arm, resting your head on it, peppering kisses, placing your hand on my thigh...." He stopped at the traffic signal and looked at my white face and laughed, "You look scared." Adjusting my rebel locks against my ears, he winked at me, "We'll work on making you a romantic wifey."

"I'm romantic." I blurted out, before the embarrassment caught up with me. He lifted our entwined hands to his lips, before placing his lips firmly on the back of my hand. The tingles erupted, as a blush coated my face, and a smile on his face, driving away, "Show me, my shy flower?" I gulped. Why did I even open my mouth!

"I can stare?" I said the first thing on my mind, proud of myself. He always made me happy, I wanted to do the same. For the first time, someone worried about my comfort, my favourites, my happiness. And that meant the world to me.

"Staring is romantic?" He looked at me amused.

"Ofcourse! You stare at me all the time-" Shit. Shit. Shit. Did I really speak that?

"And you blush all the time." He whispered, touching my cheeks which were cheery by now. "So, you were staring?" I was flustered. Where is my damn brain?!

"Move your beautiful eyes up here, rose." He urged, and I finally looked up. He was staring ahead on the road, the side of his face was visible. The black suit matched his gray eyes, like a perfect canvas, the black shirt enhancing his coral lips. I loved black, but when he wore black, he killed me with his looks. We matched, my black suit with silver accessories blending like the stars hiding under the smile of the sky.

"What do you see?" Resting my head on the window panel, I faced him, gazing at all the minute details of his face, memorising them with precision in my mind. "You've straight lashes, dense, and when they blink they reveal the silver newly found favourite." I whispered dazed, actually lost in staring at him. He was beautiful.

"You never told me that." The smile creeping on his face, urged me to keep going, anything to let him keep smiling. He rarely smiled in front of others, but with his family, his smiles were one of his softest features. "They are beautiful." I again whispered, when he looked at me, unconsciously blinking and revealing the gray pairs.

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