A Disillusionment In Love.

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Who's excited to read? Here you go!

Caution - Tissue papers highly recommended.

Dedicated to jincy_06

I need comments. Please? This chapter has my heart.


"Even with all his love,
he couldn't write her in his stars."




The dark, pitch black room greeted her, as she skimmed her way inside the eerie room. There was no sound except the soft padding of her footsteps, the silence felt so loud to her ears, and her eyes struggled to adjust to the darkness. On instinct, she wanted to switch the lights on, but the faint moonlight shining from the slight gap between the curtains made her pause, marking the shadow of Aksh's sleeping frame on the bed.

Gulping, she took slow steps towards him before kneeling down in front of him, her eyes squinting with tears to gaze at him. She trailed her fingers forward, unable to help herself as the curtains flew by a gush of wind, making the tear patches visible to her eyes for a blurred second even before she felt the moisture on her fingertips. She slumped down on the floor, her knees wobbled, as she felt the undying urge to scream.

She pressed her lips, scared to even breathe out, tilting her head to the side, pleading silently to his closed orbs. Her hands travelled towards his hairs next, ruffling them in soft waves. The storms decided to have mercy on her eyes, as they kept blowing the curtains harshly letting the lightnings and thunders be the light to her blurred eyes, watching him. She locked her hands over her mouth to muffle her sounds, before sliding against the bed, her other hand holding his arm.

Minutes passed, it might even be hours, she had no idea. She struggled to calm her breaths, the thunders outside faded too, as she flicked the night lamp on. His exposed forearms stood out to her eyes first, and she immediately darted out to caress her name carved there. His face was paler than she recalled, eyes swollen, lips parched and face flushed due to tears. She carefully cupped his face, "What have you been doing to yourself. Hmm?" She hushed to him, who slept oblivious to her words.

Her eyes fell on the diary, her diary, cradled close to his chest. The diary held  her black times, held all her pain which her lips couldn't form, soaked her voiceless tears, witnessed her bloodshot sobs. She carefully pried off the diary, making him clutch it harder in his sleep, frowning. She paused, letting him fall back into sleep, before she successfully took it out from his hold.

She was scared, scared to open the saga of her pain, having no strength to take a look, but she compelled her hands to flip the pages. Her eyes yet refused to focus on the letters written there, but soon gave up the denial when the deep crimson blood stared back at her. She remembered the moment way too well, the exact half dead state, her blood coated fingers, her hot tears, the bruised body, his scarring words, and how she drawled the four lettered conclusion before her eyes gave up to the pain.


But her eyes next froze. Beneath her word, there was another blood driven scribble. Salty drops rolled down the corner of her eyes, tracing her lips and fell like small splashes over the page.


She turned the pages back and found slurry doodles beneath her poems, his confessions of love clashed with her pain in a perfect contradiction. There were his heart poured out, how those voices whisper venom in his head, how he deems himself responsible, how he loathes himself, how he doesn't deserves anything, doesn't deserves his rose. His every pain was inked down like bleeding pieces carved on paper. Some of the blank pages had his infamous four liners written for her, some had his self written lyrics, few dates and the last entry was just a single word.

His Fragile Rose. [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now