Part 3: High school

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[In the school parking lot]
"Oh man. Good to see you." - Matt said to Christian as he hugged him and pulled him in a sweet kiss.

You may not know it, but Matt is openly bi. He and Christian, a freshman, have been together for three months now. Despite the bad-boy vibes he gives, Matt is a really good person. He is trustworthy, loyal. The best friend and the most genuine person I have ever met. And even though he was a jerk sometimes I am happy for him, and for Christian as well.
Matt was like the most perfect boy I knew and I admired him so much. Maybe I should have talked to him about last night. But I was still confused and I was pretty sure it was a coincidence. You never know what happens when you are horny.

"Hey, you two. You don't want to fuck in front of everyone else, do you? Stop being so horny." - I yelled at them, who were being way too inappropriate for a school.
"Why you're such a good guy today? Fuck off and let me enjoy my little trapper boy here" Matt shouted.
"Okay, see you after lunch" I mumbled and entered the school.

I had to understand where Connor was. I need to see him again. I don't know why. I had to be sure that the jerk off session was an accident. I still felt strange and I had too many questions in my head.

[Minutes later, school hall]
"Hey Carson, drama rehearsals this afternoon. The prom ceremony is close and we need to be ready." My drama teacher told me as soon as I entered the school building.
"Ok. Mrs. Dumont. I'll be there."

The worst mistake of my life had been joining the drama club hoping my grades would have risen a bit. Now Mrs. Dumont was stressing me about singing live all the songs of that stupid show. I It was not a big deal for me but that meant spending an entire afternoon at school with the girls of the drama club.

While I was thinking about all that, I saw a lady in her 40s with the vice principal. That had to be Connor's mother.

"Yeah Mrs. Finnerty, this is the best school for your boy. Here at Hamilton high school we show great interest in cultivating the artistic interests of our students." The vice princial said to that lady.
Now I knew for sure she was Connor's mum, but I didn't see him around.
Then someone tapped on my shoulder.

"Who's it?"..."hey Connor. How is it going?" I said surprised.
"It looks good here." He replied.
"Wait for the rest!"
He laughed.
"Sooo... where is your locker?"
"The other side".
"Ok... cool. What classes do you have today?" I asked.
"First period...mhh...let me check...math."
"Boring" I said laughing.
"Yeah" he chuckled.

"Mr Lueders, I see you have already met the new guy. Well, I must advise you, Mr. Finnerty, he is not a good guy. Stay alert" The vice principal said as she and Connor's mum approached us.
"Thanks Mrs. Smith. I couldn't ask for a better introduction."
"Go to class Carson, and come to my office later. There are things we need to discuss. You are still in detention, remember?"
"Yes. And I am really sorry, but I..."
"Shhh. I don't want to talk about your situation in front of our new student. Ah I almost forgot. Mr. Finnerty, this is list of the clubs of the school. Some of them are still open and you can join them. Welcome to Hamilton!" Mrs. Smith said with enthusiasm.
"Thank you, Mrs. Smith!" Connor exclaimed.
"Okay guys, to class."

As we were going to our classes, I felt the need to tell something to Connor. What Mrs. Smith had just said could have made him upset and I didn't want him to think I was such a bad person:
"Hey Connor, don't listen to her. I am not as bad as she makes you think"
"I need to go to class now. Maybe we'll catch later?" He replied. He clearly didn't want to listen to me, but why? For a moment I felt like he was trying to make up an excuse me to stay away from me. I didn't want to lose him. I needed him to understand if my jerk off session was just a casualty, or maybe I felt something more.
"I got a free period at 11. I wanna show you a thing" I told him as he was going upstairs.
"Don't know if I...yeah...I got free, too."
"Meet me in front of the vice-principal's office"
"Ok. See ya".
He had accepted, so maybe he wasn't trying to get away from me.

[After class, 11 PM]
"So you came. I wasn't expecting to find you here waiting for me." I said in a surprised tone.
"I never let my friend down! So...what did you wanted to show me?"
"Follow me."

I led Connor in the school backyard, where no one could see us. We hid behind the gardener's shack.

"Wow you wanted to show me the backyard?"
"No, dumbass. I was looking for an hidden place and someone to keep me company."
"Why me? What do you do now?"
"First, because I wanted to talk to you. And second, smoke. Do you want a cigs?" And as I said that I stretched my hand and offered him a cigarette.
"I don't smoke."

I shrugged my shoulders and sat down on the grass. Connor did the same. Then I started talking to him.
"You know, what the vice-principal said was true. I am in detention."
"Carson. I met you yesterday. You don't need to tell me this!"
"No I need to. You are a good kid. You will understand. Few months ago I had a girlfriend. Betty. She is everything a guy could ask for. Cheerleader, brunette, well shaped body, big titts and she was always so gentle. I couldn't believe myself. I thought she was gonna be the one. And instead I found out she had an affair with the quarterback."

"Why you telling me this?"
"Let me finish. The worst part is yet to come. One day I met him after the training and beated him almost to death. I was so angry that I punched him so many times until his blood was dripping down my hands. Few minutes later I got arrested and since then I have never been the same."
"You got arrested?" Connor asked surprised.
"Yeah. But I didn't spend a single night in prison. My parents got me out. Now I have to take part to community service up to the end of the school year to redeem my-self. I wanted to be honest with you.
You know, probably the vice-principal was right. You shouldn't spend so much time with me."

"It's been a bad period of your life. I'm sure you are better than this." Connor retorted.
"I thought the same. But since then my life has changed. I kinda lost my love for music. I am boutta lose my contract with my recording lebel. Only few friends decided to help me during this period. And I still appreciate what they did for me."
"Everything will be fine." Connor said, patting a  hand on my shoulder. It was strange that a guy I had literally met the day before seemed to understand my situation better than people I considered friends.

And as Connor said that, he stole the grant from my hand and took a drag.
"Maybe I am not as good as you think." He added. But when he was pushing
the smoke out of his mouth, he coughed.
"First time?" I smiled at him.
"Yeah" and he laughed. "Carson, I can't judge you. You will get out of this. You have been the only one so far who asked me to spend some time together. I thought people were more curious. I thought they wanted to get to know me better."
"People are jerk. Never trust anyone. Especially in this town." I reacted.
"Yeah thanks."

I finished the cigarette and throw it on the ground. I fixed my hair and adjusted my clothes. As I was going back to class Connor stopped me.
"Hey Carson!"
"What? You don't wanna go back to class?"
"Thanks for showing me around. And for the cigarette puff. See you at lunch."
"So you still wanna spend time with me after everything I told you?"
"I think you have a good heart."
I blinked at him and said: "Ok, I will let you know few people then. We always sit outside. You can find me there."
"Ok, see ya".

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