Part 30: Tuesday

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Note: Sorry guys for being inactive lately. I have been really busy with school and had to catch up on some work. Don't worry, I'll try to respect my schedule in the following weeks. I hope you understand.

[Carson's POV]
I fell asleep next to him.

[The following morning]
"Hey, Carson, wake up!" Connor said stroking my arm.

"Yeah, just let me stay some more minutes." I replied and then I turned to the other side.

"You don't understand, it's almost school time. And you didn't go back home yesterday. You fell asleep next to me."

I immediately opened my eyes in shock. I sat upright in the middle of his bed, recollected my energy and got dressed in a matter of seconds.

"It was fun yesterday!" Connor told me as I was putting on my clothes.

I kissed him on the lips.

"I had fun, too!" I replied.

[Few minutes later]
Someone knocked at the door.
"Connor, are you ok? Why is it the door locked?" Connor's mom shouted.
I panicked, but Connor had my back.

"Mom, sorry, I must have locked it unwittingly yesterday."

"Okay, open up now and come down to breakfast!"

"Yeah, mom, almost ready!"

"Shit. It's Tuesday. I got my history test today. And I have to give Mrs Shannon the essay for the writing competition. I can't be late today!" I exclaimed.

I picked up my phone from the bedside table and I found more than fifteen missed calls. It was Matt. Something had happened.
I tried to call him again but he wasn't responding.
I kissed Connor one last time and then I sneaked out of his house. I had to climb down a tree. Then I ran to my car and went back home. Matt had already left. So I drove to school, just in time for our history test. Matt was already in class. He was strange.

"Hey, man, sorry. I slept at Connor's. I forgot to tell you. Everything's alright?"

"He left me, Jesus Christ. He left me" he repeated.

He flung his head in his head and cried.

"Come on, man. We will talk about it later."

I tried to comfort him, but it was useless.

"Mr Sato, why are you crying?" Our history teacher asked us.

"Sorry, Mr Del Piano, everything is alright!" Matt sobbed as he cleared his tears with his hands.

"Okay... Are you sure you don't need to go to the doctor's?" Mr Del Piano asked him.

"Yeah, I am fine" Matt mumbled.

"Ok. So guys you got one hour, starting from now. The test is really easy, only multiple-choice questions, please do not cheat."

I held Matt's hand and said: "It's alright man. We will talk about that later. Now do this test and let's pass this class together. I will be always by your side. Remember? A bro is forever!"
He smiled at me and we started doing our tests.

I bent my head on my test.
First question: "When did the WWI break out?"

"1914" I surprisingly knew the answer.
I went to the next one: "Who was the American President during the WWI?"
"Woodrow Wilson." I knew that, too.

And so I completed the test in less then 30 minutes.
I checked my answers again, and despite feeling a bit unsure about some, I felt like I could get a good mark.

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