Part 57: Connor's epilogue (Connor's POV)

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When I went back home, I rushed to my bedroom.
What Carson had just told me made me feel so sad. I immediately called Case because I needed someone to talk to.

"Hey, what's up?" He said picking up the call.

"I am feeling so low, right now. I need you here..." I said and then I started crying.

"Hey, Connor, babe, don't cry. What's wrong?"

"Nothing. I just need a friend or someone to talk to. Please, can you come here next week?"

"Yeah, I will come the day after tomorrow. Love you!"

"Love you, too!"

Case was the most lovely person I had ever met. I missed him so much. I hadn't seen him in a month now, and since school was over in Colorado, too, we finally had time to spend together. This time, though, I wanted him to stay here with me forever. I wiped my tears and rushed downstairs. My mother was in the living room, organising some things for our trip to Italy for the next month.

"Hey, Connor, everything's ok?" She asked me as I entered the living room.

"Yeah..." I replied, taking myself a glass of water and sitting at the table.

"How was the graduation ceremony?"

"It was amazing. I can't wait to do the same... Mom, I need to tell you a thing..."

"Oh, what is it?"

"Well... I have been waiting so long to tell you this, but..." For a moment I realized I was about to come out to my mom and I didn't know how she could react, so fear took over me and I couldn't finish the sentence.

"What Connor? I haven't understood!"

"Forget it, nothing!"

"O...k" She said and then she went back to what she was doing.

I stood up and made my way to my room, but I stopped at the door.

"Mom, I am gay!" I shouted. I couldn't see her face because she was behind me.

"Connor, I... Come here, let me hug you!" She said.

Her reaction wasn't exactly what I had expected. She held me in her arms and didn't say anything.

"I know you're angry right now..." I uttered.

"No, don't even say that. I will always love you. How could you think I was mad at you for that? You can love whoever you want, Connor, I will always be your mother!"

"Thanks" I replied.

She kissed my forehead and looked at me in the eyes.

"Oh, my son, you are so beautiful. I am sure your boyfriend can't resist you!" She said laughing.

"Mom!" I yelled and then I bursted out in a laugh, too.

"Don't tell me you don't have a boyfriend!" She exclaimed.

I hesitated.

"I know you are in love, and I think I know him already!" She said, tickling me as when I was younger.

"Ah ah, stop, please!"

"It's Carson, right? You two look so good together. His eyes seem to sparkle everytime he comes here. He is so gentle and caring. And all those sleepovers you had..."


"Do you think I didn't know it? Come on, a mom is a mom!"

"No, mom, it's not like that! I actually am in love with someone, but it's not Carson!"

"What? I would have bet all my money saying that you two were together!"

"It's Case!"

"Case Walker? Your childhood friend?"


"Oh surprising!"

"Yeah, long story... Listen, can he stay at our place for the next year? I really need him by my side!"

"Of course, Connor. Our house is so big. We will find a room for you two. Have you talked to his parents? Do they agree with that?"


"Okay, then. There's no problem. He is gonna live here if that makes you happy. You know I will do everything for you, Connor."

[Few minutes later]
"So... Are you sure there was nothing between you and Carson?"

"Mom, Case is just fine!"

"Ok, ok... I would have said that..."

"No, mom, no. Please, drop it!"

"Ok, ok. Hey listen, why don't you tell Case if he wants to come to Italy with us. You could have so much fun."

"I was about to ask you the same!"

Our conversation ended few minutes later. My mother must have known something about Carson, otherwise she wouldn't have brought up the subject. Anyway, I felt relieved. I had dropped off a bargain I had been carrying for too much time on my shoulders. And I was now sure that Case and I could finally be together.

Case moved in two days after that conversation with my mother. My father, who was a bit skeptical at the beginning, but accepted him eventually. That summer was one of the happiest of my life. We flew to Italy in July and we spent a month there, visiting a lot of beautiful places. And having him by my side made me feel good. Wherever we went to, his hand was always firmly holding mine.
If I turned around, I had his eyes fixed on me. And the kiss he gave me that night in Rome, I could never forget it.

"Connor, I love you" Those were the words I woke up to and went to bed with every day. I was living my romance, and he was there with me.
I came out to all of my mates in LA. All of them showed me their love.

As for Carson, I never saw him again. Gabe told me he had had a thing with Paul, but it was over after few weeks. All summer long I heard rumors about him that didn't make me happy. I was tempted to write him a message. I wanted to understand why he was acting so reckless. After all, he had always been by my side when I needed him and now, even though we weren't together anymore, he needed someone. Matt couldn't look after him so much since he and Tanner had finally moved in together.
However, I never sent him a message. Case told me I had to stop thinking about him and so I did.

When September came... Well, that's another story to tell...

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