Part 36: Eagerness

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[Carson's POV]
Matt and Tanner came downstairs at midnight. Connor had fallen asleep in my arms on the sofa in the studio.

"Hey, Connor, I gotta take you home!" Tanner said.
I tried to wake him up, but he apparently he didn't want to.

"Come on..." Tanner repeated as he tickled him.

"Yeah, I am coming" he said in a sleepy voice after ten minutes.
He wiped his eyes and checked his phone. Ten missed calls from his mother. "Shit!" He exclaimed.

"What, babe?" I asked him.

"She will be mad at me. Please Tanner, drive the fastest you can."

"Don't worry. I got you. She won't be mad at me."

"But she clearly said that curfew was at 11 PM"

"Relax" I said to Connor. Just lie to her".

"Ok, but we gotta go right now".

[Next morning]

I woke up at 6.30. Tanner had texted me:

"Everything ok with Connor. His mother was a bit pissed at him, but nothing serious. Good night"

When I went to the kitchen, Matt was already there. He was visibly confused. You could tell from the monotonous way he moved his spoon in his cup.
I thought he could be tired, but I eventually asked if he was alright.

"We had sex!" He uttered all of sudden.

"Oh... And that makes you feel strange?" I asked him.

"Dunno. I got mixed feelings. He is cute, seems caring, but something about him still doesn't convince me"

"What?" I asked Matt

"What if he cheats on me?"

"Matt, you have been through that once and you overcame it successfully. If it happens again, imma be by your side".
Matt hugged me. Few minutes later we drove to the school.

That day I would have seen Connor for the last time, before he went back to Colorado for the spring break.
When I met him at school, he made me know that his mother had invited me for dinner again. They were having a charity party, or something. I don't know if she liked me, or if she suspected something. But I couldn't refuse and let him know I would have shown up at his house at 8.00 PM. This would have been the last time we had for being together. And I had something in mind. I just wanted to be special.
Connor had already taken a suit from his closet, hidden it in his backpack and brought it to school for me.

At 8.00 PM I showed up at their party and Connor's mother welcomed me with great joy.
"Nice to see you Carson. Connor is waiting for you in his bedroom. Why don't you call him and let him come down?" She said.

I did what she wanted and ran upstairs. I knocked on the door, but nobody opened it. So I made my way in and I couldn't believe my eyes. There were some petals and some candles. The room was impregnated of a sweet smell, almost like flowers.
He appeared behind me and put his hands on my eyes. I couldn't see anything and I didn't know where to put my feet.

"Connor, what are you doing?"

"It's a surprise."

He led me to his closet and closed the door behind him.
He lifted his hands and there he was. Half naked, with his deep eyes looking at me.

"Babe, what are you doing?"

"I wanted to give you a sneak peek of what we are going to do tonight."

"I think I like it!" I said.

He kissed me hastily and ruffled all my hair. I tried to stop him, but his lips were so damn good. He tasted amazing and those sweaty hands wandering through my hair were something that cannot be described.

"Oh, please, Connor, stop it or they are gonna get us."

He didn't stop and traveled his hand onto my crotch. A shiver went down my body.

"Please, Connor. That's not the moment. I see you are horny, but, can't you wait?"
He unzipped my trousers and slid it down to my ankles.

He bit with his teeth my waistband and in a minute he dropped my underwear to the ground.
My hard dick hit him on the cheek. He took it in his mouth and sucked me off.
I didn't want to have sex and I didn't think this was the right thing to do.
So I pushed him away and adjusted my clothes.

"Are you eager, or what? Can't you wait few hours, damn? What is wrong with you?"

"I just thought... I wanted to..."

"I know that you desperately need me, but don't you understand the risk we are taking?"


"Now, hurry up, Connor. Put something on and come downstairs."


"You will get punished later, don't worry" I said smirking.

We both went downstairs, where his parents were waiting for us.

"You took too long. Is everything alright with you?" Connor's mom asked us.

"Yes, Madame" I uttered.

"Ok, now just go to the table. Supper is being served in two minutes"

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