Part 44: At the Luna Park (Connor's POV)

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Note: Hey guys, sorry if I am being inactive, but I started a new job and I am very busy. I will do my best to try and post at least once a week! I think I will start posting regularly in September. Hope you can understand me!
Enjoy this chapter!

[Connor's POV]
Case and I walked to the Luna Park. We talked so much on our way there. I can't believe we had reconnected like that and I couldn't believe there was still a bond between us.

"What do you want to do?" Case asked me.

"Why don't you try to win me something?"

"Oh, come on! That's so lovely dovey."

"Please" I begged him.

"Ok, ok, but don't cry as a kid if I can't get you anything" Case replied and we both laughed.

We went to a stall, where he needed to shoot down at least three tim cans to get a basic reward: a keychain.
If he had shot all the cans down, which were ten, he would have got a teddy bear.

"Take me the teddy bear, Case!" I said.

"You gotta be kidding me!" He replied.

"I am, actually!"

We both laughed.
Then the carby gave Case a fake gun and then fake projectiles.

"Ok, boy. You got ten shots."

Case was concentrated, but I must admit he sucked at shooting. The first two shots completely missed the cans. I was laughing so loud, that I couldn't contain myself.

"Let me say, you suck at that" I told him, patting his shoulders. He had hit just one can.

"Okay, fine. I didn't even want to do that. Now we do things my way."

He took me for my arm and brought me to the rollercoaster.

"Two tickets, please!"

"Are you two over fourteen?" The carousel man asked us.

"Yes" we both answered in unison.

"Ok, here we go. Eight dollars each."


Some minutes later we were sitting in the same cab.

"Ok, fasten your belts."

We did as we were instructed to do and then he held my hand tight.
The rollercoaster ride began. I don't remember much about it. I just remember his hand intertwined with mine. I could feel his sweat, his tight grip. It's like everything else didn't matter. It was only me and him. It was a feeling I can't explain.
But then, after few minutes of highs and downs, something changed. The cabs began to slow down and suddenly the ride stopped. The thing is we were in a sort of dark cave and there was no way we could get off of the rollercoaster. It was dark all around us and a speaker told us that they were trying to sort out a technical problem. We were locked.
A girl, who was sitting in front of us started to cry, and her friends tried to reassure her.
Of course there was nothing to worry, but I wonder how many minutes they would have taken to fix the problem.

"Oh damn, I just wanted to enjoy the evening!" I said to Case.

"Well, we are still together. Are you scared, Connor?" He asked me.

"No, I am fine. You?"

"Yeah, fine. I am a bit claustrophobic. But I will survive."

I smiled at him, but I doubt he saw me, because it was very dark in that cave. I couldn't see him either. I could only feel his hand; I held it thighter, to let him know I was there with him.
He noticed and whispered me a soft: "Thank you!"

"Case, I... I love you!"

He didn't answer, but I felt his lips on mine soon after.

"Me too. I am sorry if I screwed things up last time. It will be better this time, promise. Of course you gotta give me a chance."

"I will. Case, do you wanna start over? Do you wanna be my boyfriend?"

"I do."

We made out in the darkness for what it felt like an eternity. Actually only three minutes passed from the problem and its solution. The ride restarted when we were making out. We immediately disconnected our lips, because we were both in the closet and didn't want anybody else to find out about our thing.
Actually, now it was more than just a thing. It was the beginning of a new relationship.

We unbuckled our belts and left the cub.
"Funny ride, right?" I asked him.

"Yeah. Come on, follow me!"

"Where are you taking me?"

"I know a place!"

The place he was talking about was a dark space behind the toilettes.

"I haven't had enough of those lips" he whispered into my ears.

He started kissing me again. Case tried to unbutton my polo-shirt and went down on kissing my neck. I posed my hands on the back of his head and threw my head backwards, letting out some moans.

"I love you. You taste so good." Case said panting and went back to what he was doing.

But while we were like this, a mother who was taking his child to the toilettes walked on us.

"What the hell, guys? You should be ashamed of yourself! In a Luna park, with so many children buzzing around?"

We recomposed and I hid my face behind Case, who was basically the only one listening to what that woman was yelling at us.

"Sorry, madame. We didn't want to..." He tried to repeat more than once, but she didn't let us finish and continued with her lecture.
"You are lucky that I won't take you to the police. Come on guys, you seem old enough to understand that this isn't the proper place."

"Ok, Madame. We are very sorry. Now we go. Please, forgive us if we have impressed or shocked your son. It wasn't our intention. Now, we gotta go." I told her. I took Case for an arm and we went away, leaving the Luna Park.

"It was a strange night." I told Case.

"Totally. Hey, do you... Kinda... Mind if I sleep over at your place. I can sneak in as I used to do when I was younger." He said.

"I was about to ask you the same."

"Ok. I'll be in your bedroom in an hour or less."

"Don't knock on the glass pane, you could wake up someone. I will leave the window opened."

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