Part 26: Boring night

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[Carson's POV]
Dinner was served and I sat next to Connor at table. He was surprised to see me there.

"Carson told me about your plan for the night. I changed my mind. I will let you watch the match here at home. I think I can't keep you here alone on Saturday evening." Connor's mom explained.

"Thanks, mom. I appreciate that." Connor said.

"How did you convince her?" Connor whispered.

"Don't know! Just tell me what I can't do at dinner here!" I said.

"Too late. I will kick you if you are doing something wrong!"

The maid served us some pieces of rib eye steak, carrots and mashed potatoes.

"Wine sir?" The maid asked. I refused. And Connor smiled.

"No, Carson. I want you to try my wine. It's from Italy." Connor's mom said.

I was about to accept, but Connor kicked my leg. I refused again.

"No Madame, thanks. I am not even 21. I can't drink."

"Right answer, boy." She smirked.

I ate my meal. It wasn't enough. I would have liked to have some other pieces of that meat, but I didn't want to ask more.

"Do you follow soccer?" Connor's mom asked me.

"I... Sometimes... I just like when there are some big matches like today. I just like soccer in general. Don't have a favourite team." I lied.

"Mmhh I see. You know, I loved watching football when I was younger. In Italy it is like the most important sport we have."

"Mom, nobody asked..."

"No, I wanna listen!" I said.

"Bro, how could you just..." Connor buffed and flung his head in his hands.

"Connor, son, why are you so rude? As I was saying, Carson, when I was little, my father used to take me to the stadium. We lived in Bologna back then..."

"Ok Mom. I don't think he wants to know the story of your life..." Connor yelled at her.

"Ok, I see, guys! Go see that match. And Connor, don't be so rude to your own mother." Mrs. Finnerty stated.

I really found her stories interesting, but I understood Connor, too. He wanted to spend time with me. We went in the living room and turned on the TV.

"Do you really wanna watch the match?" Connor asked me.

"We have no choice!" I replied.

We both sat next to each other. Connor was scrolling through his Instagram feed and I pretended to enjoy soccer. Then he got closer to me.
He stretched his hand and started teasing my cock through my pants.

"Hey, Con, what the hell?" I shouted at him.

"Relax. She isn't looking!"

"What if she walks in?"

"Then I will leave my hand."

So he went on masturbating me through my jeans. I couldn't moan. But he was such a tease. He did it secretly. I tried to focus on the soccer match, but his hands stroking my dick were much more interesting.
I tried to push Connor away, but it was like his hand was glued to my dick.

"I will cum if you go on" I whispered. He clearly didn't care, because he went on.
Last time he had masturbated me through my clothes was at his parents' party and we all know how it ended.

"Connor, please..." I begged him.

"No! My house, my rules!"

He kept on stroking my dick and I was now on the edge of cumming.

"I am close, stop, or I will make a mess."

He didn't listen to me. He went on. He then slid my jeans down and bowed his head on my dick.
I felt his sweet lips on my underwear and that made me cum instantly.

"Oh shit, oh, ahh..." I moaned quietly.
He raised his head and showed me how some of the cum had dripped from my underwear on his lips. He licked everything and swallowed it.

"Didn't you like it?" He asked me eventually.

"I would kiss you right now, but I can't." I replied.

"Guys, everything ok?" His mother checked on us. Luckily she couldn't see that I hadn't my jeans on.

"Yeah, mom, thanks!" Connor answered.

"Still 30 minutes and then you go to bed"

"Ok, Mom!"

"Do you think she saw something?" I asked Connor.

"I think you are paranoid!" He laughed.
"Come on, kiss me now" He added.

I quickly printed a kiss on his lips.

It was time for Connor to go to bed. He brought me to the front door.

"Did you have fun?" He questioned me.

"It was a boring night, except for the handjob."

"I love you" he said in a quiet tone.

"Love you too, babe!"

He stepped outside and turned to him one last time. He smiled at me and closed the door.

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