Part 45: Case's first time (Connor's POV)

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Note: Hi guys,
I am back! Sorry for my absence. From now on I will keep on posting regularly. Some of you might have forgotten about this story, so I thought it could be useful a quick recap: Connor is a 17 year old boy, who has recently moved from Colorado to California. Here, he falls in love with Carson (18 y.o.), a guy attending his same school. Carson is trying to come over a difficult situation with his ex girlfriend and thanks to Connor he finds a new reason in his life for moving on. After a month together, Connor goes back to Colorado to visit his grandparents. Here he meets Case, a childhood friend, and realises that his love for Carson was only based on sex.

I suggest you should read all the previous chapters first If you don't remember the story. Now I leave you to chapter 45. Hope you enjoy it!

[Connor's POV]
I waited for Case impatiently. However, tiredness got the best of me and I fell asleep after few minutes.
When I woke up in the middle of the night, Case was next to me. He was sleeping, too. I was glad he had come, but I was sad I wasn't there waiting for me. He looked like an angel. Case was shirtless and was wearing only a pair of shorts. I know he used to sleep like that, even in winter. It was cute.
Anyway, I didn't want to wake him up. I let him sleep. There would have been better times to experiment things with him.
I jumped out of the bed and tiptoed to the bathroom. I took a quick pee and checked my phone. I hadn't really thought about Carson. He had tried to text me several times. I even found some missed calls.
I felt such a bad person. Well, I actually was, because I was cheating on him, while he trusted me.

"Shit!" I exclaimed. I had to make up an excuse. I would have talked to him face to face once I was back in LA. He didn't deserve it, but it was the best thing to do. I didn't want to think about that. It was too hard to do. I didn't even know what to tell him.
"I don't love you anymore" - Nah, that was too direct. He would have asked for an explanation and I couldn't tell him about Case. I needed something that wouldn't have broken him into pieces. He didn't deserve it, after all.
Why did it have to be so complicated? I thought. I spent the next ten minutes thinking about what I could tell him, with my face fixed on his chat.

"Just be sincere. There are your feelings involved" Case told me.

"Hey, you up?" I asked him surprised.
He was standing on the door of my bathroom and he looked kinda sleepy.

"Yeah, the bathroom light woke me up"

"Sorry! And thanks. I will meet him when I go back to LA and I will explain him everything!"

Case came close to me and hugged me. In that warm embrace I felt save; it was like he was giving me all the strength and courage I needed to talk to Carson.

"Whatever it happens, I will be by your side" he whispered to me.

"Thanks, Case, I love you!"

He printed a kiss on my lips.

"What should I tell him now?" I asked Case.

"Just tell him your phone had died."


"And you should face call him tomorrow. He is your boyfriend, after all?"


I texted him these words:

"Sorry, man, I was on a trip with my parents and my phone had died. Sorry, Imma call you tomorrow. Love you <3".

Few seconds later I got his response:

"I see. Goodnight, babe. I really miss you and I can't wait for you to come back"

"Come to bed, please, don't think about it!" Case suggested me.

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