Part 48: I wanna spend the whole life with you (Connor's POV)

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[Connor's POV]
Case and I had planned to spend the night together. He would have slept over, like the good old times.
My parents were out again until late. I told my grandma about Case and she prepared a bowl of pop corn for us, thinking that maybe we wanted to watch a movie. Little did she know, that our plans were different. We wanted to watch TV until she and my granddad had fallen asleep, but then we would have switched to the real fun.

Case showed up at 8.00 PM. He was wearing the clothes I had chosen for him some hours ago. I can't believe how cute he was. One of the hottest and sweetest guy I had ever met.
We rushed to my bedroom and switched on the TV. Case didn't want to watch a film, though. He wanted to play videogames, like we used to do when we were younger.
I hadn't played with my PS4 in a long time. My fingers were a bit rusty, but after few minutes playing, I got used to it again.
Case looked so good in the darkness of my room. His curls were lightened by the moon and he was so hot when he was concentrated on the game. His strong arms holding the joypad were something to die for. They looked so strong, veiny and muscular.

"You look so nice" I told him
He turned to me and kissed me.

"I wanna spend the whole life with you!" I told him. He laughed as our foreheads were basically touching. Our lips connected again and I didn't want to let him go for any reasons in the world.
We were sitting at the foot of my bed. I went opposite him, in between his legs, and smiled at him.

Without thinking too much I gripped his dick through his trousers and started rubbing it.

"Hey, babe, what are you doing? I am playing Fortnite" Case yelled at me.

"Come on, relax and keep on playing. I will do everything"

I massaged his bulge, trying to get him in the mood. His dick was growing in his pants. I could feel it. His boner was telling me that he was enjoying what I was doing. I unbuttobed his trousers and slid it down, leaving Case in only his pants.

"Oh, babe, aah, stop it!"

"Relax, and keep playing!"

"What if your grandma walks in?"

I didn't answer. He was right after all. My grandma always used to tell me when she was going to bed, and, considering it was almost 10.30 PM, she could walk in my room every now and then. But risk was part and parcel of my sexual life, and it made the whole thing even hotter.

Case, to be honest, wasn't this great fucker. He was cute, I loved him, I loved his body, his dick, but he was way too gentle and caring. I wanted him to be rougher. I needed it. But for what I had seen at the mall, he was learning quick. I was sure that in a week or two he could be a perfect fucker.

There were still some things that we had to clarify about our relationship, our sexual one - to be precise.
Was he a top? Or a bottom? My intention was to find it out that night.

Then... How long could our relationship last at such a long distance? I would have kept on living in LA, after all.

What did he think of my relationship with Carson? How would he have dealt with it?
These questions kept on harassing me and made me doubt about him more than once. We had to talk, but I would have done it soon after sex.

He was still playing at his stupid game. I didn't care too much. I had a boner to take care of. I put my hand in his pants and reached for his dick, lightly stroking it. I cupped his balls and gave them a few squeezes. Case let out a moan.
I undid his pants and his dick sprung free, hitting my face -which was very close to his crotch- and then falling on his lower abs.

I licked the tip and Case started to tremble. He couldn't control himself already.

"Hey, babe, we haven't even started!"
I told him.

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