Part 39: Colorado (Connor's POV)

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Note: Sorry guys for my absence. Don't worry, I am fine. I have just been busy with school and everything else.
This chapter is a turning point of the book. From this moment on, this a lot of things are going to happen. So, pay attention to every chapter I am going to post and have fun!

[Connor's POV]
"Have you packed all your stuff, dear?"
"Yes, mom" I answered as I put my suitcase in the car.
"Ok, then we can live. We will be there in seven hours. Aren't you happy" she asked me, pinching my cheeks.
"Yeah..." I answered in an annoyed tone.

When we were on the highway, I got lost in my thoughts looking at the landscape. On the one side I was happy to go back to Colorado. I could get to see my grandparents again. I had missed them so much. On the other side I was terrified by something and that something had a name and a surname: Case Walker. There was still something I hadn't told Carson. Case was my boyfriend before I moved to LA. I had known him since we went to the Kindergarten. He had become first my best friend and then my boyfriend. Secret boyfriend, of course. We never had something sexual as with Carson, but I didn't know what effect could he still have on me.
I didn't even know if I would have seen him again. Probably yes, because he lived near my grandparents' house. What would I have told him?
That scared me. I pretended not to think about it, but this thought kept on harassing my head.
"It is just one week!" I repeated myself.
The best thing to do was avoiding him, so that he couldn't tempt me.

After few hours we stopped at a gas station. I went to the toilet and then I ordered something at the diner. I was literally starving. After dinner we reprised our journey. Only two hours to Colorado.

I fell asleep in the car and when I woke up our car was pulling over my grandparents' house.
"Here we go" I whispered to myself.
It was the middle of the night and everything around us was deep dark.
My mother knocked on the door of my grandparents' house and my granny opened it.
"Oh... I am glad to see you" She said as she saw us on the doorstep.
"Nana!" I exclaimed in joy. Then I hugged her.
"Oh Connor, you have grown up so much. I miss you!"
"Come on, mom, we have been in California just three weeks. Connor hasn't changed at all." My father pointed out.
She let us in. I was so tired and went to my room. I had a room of mine at my grandmother's house. When I reached and opened the door, I noticed nothing had changed. I used to spend long days at my grandmother's house when I was a child. So, my grandparents decided to turn a guest room into my personal room.
And here it was, as I had left it. Green bedding, the telescope near the window, my old computer games, the box of toys and the shelf with children books.
As a child I loved sleeping at my grandparents' house and my nana used to read me tales at night to make me fall asleep.
A bunch of memories hit my mind.
I used to spend the summer here and it was during summer days that I met Case. His house and my grandparents house were very close. I could see his bedroom from my window and maybe nothing had changed. His bedroom could still be there.
I was curious now, so I looked out of the window and... Nothing. It was too dark to see something. His blinds were closed, then. I wouldn't have seen him anyway. I proceeded to undress me and went to bed.

That night I couldn't sleep. I texted Carson to see what was he doing, but he didn't reply. So I scrolled through my Insta and, unexpectedly, I checked Case's profile.
He had changed. I hadn't seen him in two years, or so. I mean since we broke up, I had never seen him again. Even when I was at my grandparents' he never showed up.
He was really hot. His abs were well built, and he was so athletic now. His veiny arms were still so attractive. When we were together I loved his curls, they drove me crazy. I still remembered his lips, so fatty and sweet and his bulbous nose.
The first time I told him I loved him I was at his place and we were playing videogames. He first blushed, but then he kissed me. How young and innocent we were.
I wondered if he still remembered about that. I wondered if he had found a boyfriend, or a girlfriend. There were too many questions rattling in my head.
Why did I think about him all of sudden?

I noticed my dick was getting hard.
"No, please, not him" I kinda told my dick, hoping he wouldn't have gotten hard. And, instead, in a minute my boner was there, seeking for attention.
Case's pictures turned me on. I tried not to think about it but it was impossible.

Carson replied to my text and sent me one of his picture. He was shirtless. God, how I missed him at that moment.
"I miss you!" He texted me.
I sent him a heart emoji. And then I jerked off to the thought of his beautiful body on mine. I pictured his dick inside my ass and I started moaning.
My hand went up and down my shaft.
But then something happened.
I stopped thinking about Carson. I pretended it was Case pounding my ass.
His glorious chest in front of me. His nipples were so hot, and those hands... Those veiny hands and those fingers touching my body.

"Oh, Case, fuck me, ohhh..." I moaned in pleasure. As I said this I shot my cum on my body. Few drops landed on my chest, the rest dripped down my hand.
I panted

"Hey, I am dealing with a thing on my own. I want your mouth here. I love you"
Carson texted me soon after I had jerked off to another guy. I felt so guilty, but I liked it in a certain way.

"Shit! What did I do?"

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