Part 47: Fun in the fitting room (Connor's POV)

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[Connor's POV]
"Nah, that wouldn't look good on you!" I told Case and he put back on the shelf a pair of kaki trousers.

"Alright, I am the king of neutral colours. Choose something for me and I will buy it."

"Ok, babe. Wait here. I'll be back in a minute"

I left him waiting and went alone in the rest of the Zara store to look for something that could look good on him. I wanted to style him. He was just so basic in everything that he wore. Carson, on the other hand, had definitely a taste in fashion. I loved his leather jacket and I instinctively looked for one in the store.
But what was I doing? I didn't want case to look like Carson. I had to let him get out of my head once and for all.
That's why, I eventually went on for a white t-shirt, ripped jeans and a vintage green and blue overshirt.

I went back to Case and gave him the clothes.
"Okay, if you like me with those things, I'll buy them." He said.

"No, you should try them at least."

"I don't want to... They are my size. I will buy them anyway."

"Come on, try them!" and I blinked at him.
He made his way to the fitting rooms and picked one. I followed him in. He started undoing his clothes and was soon left in only his underwear. I gazed at his perfect body. I stretched my hand and touched his crotch. I rubbed it til Case started getting hard.

"Hey, eh, someone is getting horny here!" He exclaimed. I could tell that he was horny as well. His breath was heavy and he was doing his best not to let out squeeky moans.

"This was just a preview!" I told him.

"When is the rest coming?" He asked me in a needy voice.

"What about this evening?" I said.

"Sounds great, do I have to sneak out again?"

"Of course"

"I was thinking that maybe... Maybe you could do something to me right now!"

"Someone is horny..."

"As hell" Case said and then slammed me against the mirror of our fitting room and we roughly made out. I could taste his saliva on my lips. His white teeth softly bit my lip and his tongue fought for dominance. I eventually let him take the lead.

Case inserted his hand under my t-shirt and started rubbing my chest. I let out soft moans in his mouth. Our lips suddenly disconnected and Case smiled at me. He loved me so much. And I loved him. He slid his hand in my pants and reached for my cock.

"Hey, I wasn't expecting that!" I whispered to him.

"Well, since yesterday I didn't help you, I thought that maybe this was the perfect moment to pay you back!"

I gulped. What he was about to do was so dangerous. Everybody could walk in on us. And what about the moans. However, Case seemed so turned on and I couldn't stop him. He began rubbing my cock. I got hard in less than a minute.
I slid down my trousers and my pants, so that it was more comfortable for him to jerk me off. He went on his knees right in front of me.

He gripped the base of my dick with his right hand, made a fist around it and started pumping. A shiver went down my body. It was so hot. I didn't want him to stop at all.

Case stroked my cock perfectly, alternating faster and slower motions. His other hand stimulated my body. He massaged my tanned torso, tweaked my nipples and touched my balls.
Here is one thing I really loved: while he was jerking me off, he squeezed my balls. It felt so good and it almost made me cum on Case's face. He also used his fingers a lot. His middle finger loved playing and tainting with the area between my asshole and my balls.

"Do you like it?" He said, looking up at me.
"Of course, you are so good" I answered. I observed his marvellous face. His was doing his best to please me and I loved that.

He paused the stroking motion for a minute and he began stimulating my dicktip with his fingers. He spit on his inch and massaged my frenulum. This sent me on the verge of cumming and I had to hold tight not to.

"Case I am about to..."

"Ok, tell me when you feel it coming!"

He went back to the handjob. Again his fingers wrapped the base of my dick and started stroking. He even added a second hand to the motion, so that now he was two-hands stroking me.
I enjoyed it. I couldn't believe that two days ago Case was a pure virgin and now he was giving me one of the best handjob of my life.
Carson had never done a job like that. He pleasured me in other ways. But it was good topping sometimes. It felt so good having someone to take care of your needs.

"Case I can't resist anymore!" I exclaimed, panting and out of breath.

Case stretched out his tongue and put it under the head of my dick. My legs started to shake and I let out a soft sweet "Fuck!". That was my consent for what Case was about to do. His lips slowly wrapped around my cock. They were so moist and hot. My dick entered his mouth and set on his tongue. He wasn't moving at all. We just stayed like that for few seconds but it felt like an eternity. I put my hands behind Case's head and went deeper in his throat. When I felt that his nose was very close to my trimmered pubes, I started moving my hips gently back and forth.
Some tears run on Case's cheeks. I was probably hurting him, but it was so good.
Case kept on stimulating my ass crack. Damn he loved my body.
I took his chin and held his head up. I wanted to look into his eyes.

"I am gonna cum babe"

"Go on, I am very thirsty!"

I held his head with just one hand, while I put the other against the mirror to steady myself. I shoot two or three ropes of cum in Case's throat. I didn't expect that, but he actually managed to swallow almost all of them.
He kept some drops on his lips and went on kissing my body. I rolled my t-shirt up and he slowly kissed my v-line, then my abs and eventually he played with my nipples. I got hard again. He left some strains of cum on my body.

I picked a napkin from my pocket and started to wipe it off. There was almost no cum left and Case had swollen the greatest part of it. He went back up and neared his face to mine. We roughly made about for a minute or so. I could feel a sort of tent in his underwear.
I could taste my own cum from his mouth.

"Did you like that?"

"You learnt it overnight?" I asked him.

"I watched some porn" He said and then went back on kissing my neck.

"Oh, Case, I fucking love you!"

"Me too, Connor, me too!"

Our make-out session ended soon. I went out of the fitting room. Luckily there was no one there. We were basically alone in the whole store. Case collected the clothes from the floor and put his things back on.
He paid for the pieces I had chosen for him and we went back to the parking lot.

"That was fun!"

"Of course it was!"

Before entering his car, he printed a kiss on my lips and then we drove back home.

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