Part 7: Matt, I need to tell you a thing

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I drove Connor home.
He was silent for all the ride, staring at me every now and then.
Then I stopped my car in front of a huge house.
"So, this is where you live?" I asked him.
"Cool. I know you were rich, but not that rich. Do you have siblings or is it all for you?"
"A sister, but basically she is never home. So..."
"I see...ehm, listen Connor, thank you for this evening. I really enjoyed it. It was wonderful and I promise I won't tell anyone what happend."
"Thanks, I appreciate it"

Then he paused. Neither of us spoke for  more or less two minutes. Connor put his hand on my thigh. I froze. What was he trying to do? Then he turned to me and kissed me on my lips. I stand there, trying to realize what had just happened.

"I am sorry. I gotta go. I think it's better if I don't come around anymore."
He opened the car door and unbuckled his seat belt. He was about to get out of the car, but I held his arm.
He was now facing me with a puzzled look on his face. I wrapped my arm around his neck and pulled him closer. Then I connected my lips with his once again. I pushed my tongue inside his mouth and apparently he let me in without fighting back. He hopped on me, sitting on my laps. I put my arms around his waist and we continued kissing. Later he started sucking on my neck. He wanted to leave a hickey.

"Oh Gosh, I love it" I moaned.
"I love you" he said out of breath.
"Maybe I love you, too" I replied.
I pushed him away and he sat on the passenger seat.
"Connor, listen, I like you and I loved what we did. But aren't we rushing things? I don't know... I feel insecure. Maybe we should start dating and see how this evolves..."
"You are right." He uttered.
"See you tomorrow, then?" I asked.
"You can sleep over if you want to. It's Friday and on Saturday we don't have school" I proposed him.
"I will ask my mother."

Eventually he took me from my sweatshirt and pulled me in a sweet kiss. I remember his juicy lips connecting with mine. He tasted so good. He was perfect.

"Now I really gotta go". He said.
"Ok bye, bro!"
"How should I call you?"
"Don't know."
"Ok... decide your nickname and let me know".
"I must go now. Goodnight, babe!"
He had called me "babe". I was surprised, but in a positive way. I watched as he entered his house, then I went back home.

Matt was waiting for me in the living room.
"Is Christian gone?" I questioned him.
"He stays the night. Do you mind?"
"No, it's fine."
"What did you want to talk about?"
"I know it may sound strange, but I hope you will support me."
"I don't understand. Be more specific, damn"
"It's like... I couldn't explain why I did this but... I felt like... relieved, because..."
"What is it Carson?... I still don't understand!"
"I am in love with Connor." I blurted out all of sudden.

Matt looked at me surprised. Then he smiled. "Can I hug you?" He said in a reassuring tone.
He pulled me in a warm embrace.
"There's nothing to worry, Carson. It's normal. I have been through this. You are figuring out who you are. It's normal. Don't panic. You need to focus on what you like. You may be bi like me, or gay, or you can choose whatever sexuality you want. I will support you, no matter what."
"It's that I am new to this. I don't know what I should do."
"You kinda came out to me. You made the first step."
"I am not sure who I am. I kissed Connor but I think I did just because of what we had done earlier. I love him, but I think I do just because I don't want to be alone for the rest of my life. When I was with him, I felt happy, but then I didn't know what my relatives or my fans could think about me. I just don't know." I started to cry on Matt's shoulder.
"Everything will be fine. By the way what did you do with Connor?"
"We basically jerked off together and he gave me a handjob, if you can call it like that."
"Ohhh sounds so hot!"
"It was"
"And how did you feel?"
"Good. He seemed to care of me and he made me feel really comfortable. It was a lovely moment."
"And did you kiss him soon after?"
"No, when I dropped him off."

"You had your first homo-kiss. My compliments" Matt laughed. Then he added: "What did you tell him?"
"The point is that he admitted to love me, but I was still unsure on how I felt about him. I literally told him "Maybe I love you""
"It's normal. You simply don't want to rush things. I suggest you should get to know him better and then you will decide what you feel about him. I wasn't so sure about Christian at the beginning. But then I realized how I madly loved him and how I desperately needed his ass."
"Thanks!" I replied.

"Did you enjoy it?" Matt asked me.
"The handjob, clear!"
"The best orgasm in my life!"
"It seems obvious that you are physically attracted by him. Just get to know if you like his behaviour, the way he treats you."
"Matt, I don't know what I will do without you. Thank you!"
"I am always here to help you!"
"Now go to bed and try not to think about it. Relax. It's normal."
"I will try to..."
"Or... If you want to join me and Christian, you know which door to knock at." Matt said laughing.
"You are crazy..."
"It's called threesome and technically you are free. So it's not cheating on Connor."
"But what the hell?"
"I see! You are still virgin. Maybe next time. I was only joking."
We both laughed. Then we both went sleeping.

[At night, Carson's bedroom]
Matt and Christian were having the wildest sex of their life. Christian was a moaning mess and he couldn't be quiet for a second. I could hear everything that hat was going on in Matt's bedroom. They went on for an hour or more. I couldn't close an eye, because their moans got me fantasizing about Connor and I having that wild sex. Maybe tomorrow.

I masturbated one last time. Matt and Christian turned me on so much and the thought of Connor's soft hand stroking my dick drove me crazy. I wanted him so bad. I needed him by my side. I would have made love to him all day long. I needed to feel his lips. His tongue licking my nipples. I longed for his sweat mixing with mine. And I desired his cum on my chest. I regretted not tasting it. But maybe tomorrow.

I came on my abs again. Then I still couldn't sleep. Christian and Matt were done. I bet they were cuddling.
I wanted to be prepared for when it happened to me. I didn't know how to make love with a guy.
I did some research online and then I fell asleep while reading.

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