Part 12: I have a problem

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"Oh shit!" Connor uttered.

"What is it?" I asked him "Did you forget something at my place?"

"No, Carson, my mom is in the frontyard." He told me as we approached with my car to his house.

"So?... what's the matter?"

"You don't understand. Listen, if she comes closer, please don't say something stupid!"
I pulled over in front of Connor's house.

"So I can't kiss you, right?" I questioned him.

"No, are you crazy or what?"

"Yeah, I know. Just hold my hand for a minute so I know you would have kissed me."
He held my hand tight, trying to hide it from his mom, who was looking at our car.

"Now, I gotta go. Will you come this evening?"


Connor hooped off my car and ran inside his house. His mom kissed him on the cheek and let him in. Then she came towards me. I wanted to start the engine and run away. She kinda scared me.
In a moment she knocked on the glass pane of the side seat.

"You must be Carson!"

"Yes, Madame"

"Nice to meet you!"

"Pleasure is mine, Mrs Finnerty!"

"You have been hanging out a lot with Connor recently..."

"Yes, we met few days ago and we immediately connected. He is a good guy!"

"I know, I fed him." And she smiled.
These last words sounded so funny, but I couldn't laugh. Her glance was terrifying.

"Listen, it would be a good idea if you came for dinner one of these days. I would really like to get to know you better."

"Yes, Mrs Finnerty. This evening, is it alright?"

"Perfect. See you at 8. And don't be late."

"I won't!"

"Dress nicely. We are hosting a meeting with the partners of my husband. I don't want Connor to get bored. So I think that if his friend is around he will have someone to talk to."

"Ok, I won't be late!"

"Fine. And don't worry. We can invite you for a proper dinner next time."
"Thank you. Bye, Mrs. Finnerty."

"See you, Carson. And pay attention when you drive".

As I drove away, Connor called me on the phone. I refused the first call, but he kept on calling me insistently. I finally arrived at my home and answered him.

"What you want now?"

"What did you two talk about?"

"She invited me at dinner."

"Ah, ok. I wanted to talk about that. I didn't know about the meeting. I just found out."

"No problem. I just wanna know what she meant for "dress nicely"!"

"So, she invited you despite the meeting?"

"Yes, she said that I would have kept you company, since these meetings are very boring!"

"Ah... I see."

"So what do I have to wear?"

"A suit... You got one, right?"

"I... Ehm... Not here. I left them in Spokane."

"Oh shit... I will give you one of mine"

"Perfect... But when?"

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