Part 5: Wanna go inside?

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The thought of Connor drove me crazy all the afternoon long.
Even at rehearsals I couldn't stop fantasizing about him.
I had his honeyed voice stuck in my head.
I couldn't believe that I was madly in love with a person I had only met two days ago. I didn't even know how I could ever be in love with a guy and not a girl. It didn't bother me the fact that I could be gay, or maybe bi. I was just so surprised. I needed someone to talk to, someone how could give me a good piece of advice. I needed to talk to Matt. I knew he could help me figuring out what it was going on with me.
But how would have he reacted? Maybe it was too soon to come out, even to my best friend. Maybe I needed to wait and see how the situation was going to evolve. And, as I said before, I had to understand if I was gay or bi. But that was something I couldn't figure out at that moment, since my mind was completely blurred by the thought of Connor.

When I came back home, I rushed to the bathroom and jerked off to him again. This time, though, since it was already late, I cummed quickly, without even enjoying it. But it was a sense of relief. I stood few minutes in the bathroom, just observing my load dripping on the floor tiles. Then I wiped it off and cleaned everything, so that no trace could be left. Matt wouldn't have cared that much. We were both used to jerk off. He had even walked in on me a couple of times while I was cumming, but he never said anything.
I wasn't cleaning for Matt; I was doing it for Connor. I didn't want him to think that he was in a house of pervs.

Then I took a shower, rinsed me off and prepared me for the evening. I accurately choose my clothes. I wanted to be sexy, good-looking; I was looking for something which reflected my personality, something which made me appear badass and caring at the same time. Eventually I opted for a pair of shorts and a sweatshirt. I put on even some necklaces and a hat. As usual, I was wearing mid-long black socks and Gucci slippers.

"You look good, bro. Nice outfit" Matt told me when I went to the kitchen.

"Thanks. I wanted something casual. Didn't want to make Connor uncomfortable."

"He won't be. Since when do you care about not making people feel uncomfortable?"

"What do you care? I don't want him to think that I am a bad person. And I don't want him to think that this house is a shitty place" I answered and glanced angrily at Matt's dirty shoes on the sofa.
He noticed and replied:
"Sorry bro, I didn't know you cared so much about the junior boy. This a teenagers'house. You could never expect this place to be the tidiest house in the world."

"Anyway, we will eat in the garden"

"Ok, as you prefer. The meat I bought is in the fridge"

"How much did you pay for it?"

"It's on the house. You don't owe me anything"


"Welcome. Carson ehm...You have been through so many troubles recently. I am glad you want to move on!"

"Thanks for always being by my side, dude."

"A bro is a bro for the rest of your life" Matt said. I smiled back at him.

Then he added:
"I think it's finally time for you to leave all the darkness behind. You know, I hadn't seen you that happy in months"

"Oh really? Ehm Matt, when Connor and Christian leave I should talk to you about something. It's really important."

"Is it for the rent? I can cover for you this month."

"It's not that. It's something else."

"You can tell me now. We are alone."

"Not now, later."

"Ok. You must be always so mysterious."

While I was talking to Matt, I got a text from Connor, who was asking me to send him my location. I had forgotten and immediately replied him.
I soon realized it was almost time.

Christian arrived few minutes later. He greeted Matt with one of the warmest hug ever and kissed him in a way that I found extremely hot. He was such a bitch. Matt couldn't complain about him. He was one of the hottest guy I had ever seen. I had never looked at Christian like that, but I must say his body was perfect. I liked the fact that he was so skinny. He was not so tall: I found this extremely attractive. I liked his thick and red lips. I finally understood why Matt was so in love with him and I could finally comprehend how it felt sleeping with such a beauty. I bet they had the wildest sex. I was fantasizing about Matt bumping his fat member inside Christian's hole. Or maybe Christian's little hand stroking Matt's cock, sucking with his juicy lips on it and drinking the hot liquid. This crazy thought turned me on so much. I felt my dick slowly getting hard and a tent could be seen in my shorts.

Matt noticed it and blinked at me, but he kept on kissing Christian.

"Are we turning you on, Carson? Why don't you join us?" He shouted and then he bursted in a laugh together with Christian.

"Are you two fools, or what?"

"We just wanted to see your reaction!" Christian stated.

"Ahahha not funny at all." I mumbled.

"But you were getting horny, right?" Matt put forword.

"What do you want me to say?" I asked him with a puzzled face.

"The bulge I see in your shorts speaks for you.

I tried to hide it with my hand and then we all both chuckled.
"Ok fine, nice prank, you made me horny. You happy now?"

"Why don't you ask your boyfriend to take care of it?" Christian said.

"Because he is not my boyfriend. We don't even know if we are friend."

"So... Not because you are not gay" Christian uttered.
"Stop it, babe" Matt yelled at him.

"Hey Matt it's fine. I am not upset."
"Yeah I know. It's just that I don't think this is something to ask."
"Hey, everything is alright. Chill man. Christian was joking"
"Sorry Carson, I got carried away. Peace?"

As we were reconciling, the doorbell rang.
"That must be Connor." I thought. I opened the front door and here he was.
"Hey. How is it going?"
"Fine", then he greeted me with a fist bump and I pulled him in an embrace with a slap on his shoulder.
"It's not been easy finding your house." He said.
"Really? Where do you live?"
"It's literally ten minutes from here, but my mom took the wrong way twice."
"I see. Come in. Christian and Matt are already waiting for us in the backyard"

Christian and Matt waved at him. They were already cooking meat. It seemed like they weren't so close-knit as they were before. Maybe Matt was pissed because of what Christian had told me.
"Guys are you ok?"
"Yeah" Matt mumbled.
"Do you need help?"
"Nah, we are fine"

Then I turned to Connor:
"Are you vegetarian? I forgot to ask today at school..."
"No, I am not."
"Oh cool."
"Take a seat."
I stared at him as he took the chair. His hair was a bit messy tonight. But always nice. He smelled so good. He had left a fresh scent behind, which I really loved. He was as handsome as the first day I had met him. I sat next to him and lit a cig. I handed him one. He refused.

"I thought you smoked!" I said.
"You were wrong. I only took a drag this morning."
"Don't you wanna try a full cig?"
"I don't know..."
"I'll let you finish mine"
"Yeah, sounds honest"
"Do you like my place? I know it's nothing compared to your house"
"It's cool. I like the pool" and he pointed at my little pool.
"It's only April, otherwise I would have let you take a swim"
"Maybe in the next months"
"Yeah maybe" and I puffed some of the smoke in the air. Then I handed him the grant and observed how he put his thin lips around the yellow filter, his saliva mixing with mine.

"I like your jacket man. Where did you get it?"
"It's from Urban Outfitters" he responded. He was really good-looking.
Few seconds later Matt and Christian brought the meat to the table and we started to eat. The evening went on. We chatted a lot and get to know each other better. Matt had to change his mind about Connor. We spent lovely hours together, chatting, eating and smoking.

It was almost 11.00 PM and the air was getting colder. Matt gave his sweatshirt to Christian and remained in his tank top. Then he said he would have gone inside and he would have taken something to put on. Christian followed him.
I was left alone with Connor.
"My mom wants to know what time she has to pick me up" Connor asked me.
"I can give you a ride. Tell her not to worry"
"Really? Ohh thanks. She'll be happy"
"Pleasure is mine. Hey, wanna go inside? It's really cold now. We can watch a movie."
"Yeah, why not?"

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