Part 40: Connor ? (Connor's POV)

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[Connor's POV]
The next morning I woke up in my bed. I was sticky because of the cum I had left on my body and on my hand. I decided to take a shower and then I got dressed.
When I went downstairs my parents had already left for Denver. I had told them I wouldn't have joined them. I preferred staying at home with my grandparents, spending time on my own.
My nana had prepared me a huge breakfast, which I finished in few minutes.

"You have become very nice!" She said in a lovely tone as she served me a plate with eggs and bacon.

"Thank you nana!"

"It's getting handsome as his grandfather!" My grandfather exclaimed from the other room.
We all laughed.

Then he came to the kitchen and gave me a small packet, wrapped in wrinkled crimson paper.

"What is it?" I asked him.

"Your nana and I bought you something. We hope you like it!"

"Thank you, I love you!" I said as I kissed them both on the cheek. Then I proceeded to unwrap the present.

"A book, thank you!" I uttered.

"Have you already read it?" My grandfather asked.

"No, thanks. Maybe I will start it today." I amswered.
When I had finished my breakfast, I got changed and wore my swim trunks. It was a warm, sunny day, perfect to spend some time at the pool.

My grandparents' house actually had a small pool in the backyard. But it worked really fine for me. I just wanted to lay in the sun, get tanned and read my new book. I had never heard about it, Maurice, by Forster.
I went outside, took a swim and then laid on the hammock.
Even the backyard hadn't changed. I had built that hammock with my grandfather when I was five. And it still was there.
The book was enjoyable, and I read a good amount of pages in few minutes. Then I decided to take a break from reading to stay on my phone.

I called Carson to know what he was doing. He was at the beach with Matt and Tanner. I missed him so much, but I would have seen him again in a couple of days.
I was getting tired. I started regretting not being with my parents in Denver.
I peeked at the backyard of Case's house, but nobody seemed to be there.
Why was I doing that?
I don't know if he still lived there. So I went back inside and asked my grandmother.

"Nana, do you know if Case still lives here?"

"Oh yes. He was your best friend back then. Then what happened?"

"We had an argument!" I said. That was true, actually. Case and I really had an argument, but she didn't need to know the reason. It was my fault. I was getting kinda jealous. Time had healed my temperament. Maybe he could forgive me.

"You should talk to him. You were such good friends!" My nana told me.

"Yeah... Maybe... If I will meet him, I will talk to him."

"You don't need to wait. Why don't you ring on his bell?"

"I don't know, nana!"

"Think about it!"

"I will."

I went again outside and trained on some new dance moves. Tanner had told me I had to work on my pirouettes and that is what I was doing.

"Connor?" I heard a voice from the distance.

I turned around to see who was and... There he was: Case Walker. He was wearing a white tank top, which let see the shape of his pecs and his abs. His arms were so muscular. Oh gosh, I would have ran to him on the spot and kissed him so bad.

"Hey, Case!" I exclaimed.

"Long time no see" Case uttered.

"Right" I said embarrassed.

"Did you come back here?"

"No, yes... I mean it's just for the spring break."

"Oh, ok!"

Silence followed. I just stared at him, mesmerized by his beauty.

"Are you working out?" He asked me.

"No... It's for the dance club. But, yeah, it's work out basically"

"Do you...wanna work out together?"

"Yeah, why not?"

"Come to my place. I have built a gym in my garage"

"Okay, when?"

"Even now, if you want!"

I was so happy he was asking me to join him. What was his goal? We hadn't talked in, like, two years and all of sudden he invited me to his place.
Since I was getting bored alone, I decide to join him anyway.

I jumped the fence that divided the two houses and I was now in his backyard.

"How are you doing, man?" Case asked me, hugging me. I felt an awkward feeling. His arms around my body. Our chests were basically glued to one another. And then his smell. His intense boyish smell.
I hugged him too, feeling all the muscles of his back. Carson had an athletic body, too. But Case was definitely more defined and looked like one of those ancient Greek statues representing naked athletes.

"I am fine. How are you?" I answered.

"Good. Tell me, how is LA?"

"There are many things to say, but it's wonderful!"

"Oh, don't worry, you can tell me anything while we work out. You know, I am glad to see you again."

"Me too. I have been wondering if you still lived here. I kinda wanted to...ehm...see you again." I blurted out and almost regretted what I had just said.

"Come on, let's go to the garage."

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