Part 41: The Work-Out sesh (Connor's POV)

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Note: I know that what I am going to tell you has nothing to do with the story, but I thought it could be really beautiful to share something with you about my life. Today I have binge-watched a new Netflix series called "Young Royals". I think it is amazing and by far one of the greatest show I have seen this year. If you love LGBTQ+ themed shows, well, I suggest watching this one. I adore it. Let me know if you're watching it, too. Love you. Now, back to the story.

[Connor's POV]
Case led me in his garage.
He had built a sort of mini gym there, with mirrors on one side of the wall, benches, weights, carpets, and so on...

"Do you like it?" Case asked me.

"Yeah. I remember it was different."

"It was. We once made out in this garage, do you remember?"

I blushed. Of course I remembered about that, but I didn't expect Case did the same. I had always thought I was just a game to him, but maybe I was wrong.
However, I didn't answer his question and let him know I wanted to keep on practicing on my pirouettes, just like I was doing in my grandparents' garden.
Case laid on his back on the ground, his knees bent and his feet flat on the ground. He was about to do bridges to warm up. I could see him through the mirrors.
When he raised his bottom off the ground, a bulge could be seen through his shorts. I was getting so horny. His motions didn't make me focus on my dance moves and I kept doing them wrong. I fell maybe two or three times.
Then Case stopped his bridges-session and began squats.

Useless to say that now my focus was on his athletic ass. The way he squeezed it when he went down drove me crazy. I couldn't stop but looking at him.
He then went to the bench and started lifting weights.
"You didn't tell anything about you Connor! How is LA?"

"Fine, I like it more than here!" I replied.

"How was it at the beginning? Did you find it hard at school?" Case asked me.

"Well, actually not so hard. I made some new friends"

"Oh, I am glad!"

Then my phone rang. It was Carson. I didn't pick it up.

"Hey, you can answer if you want." Case said.

"Don't worry, it's my b... It's my friend Carson."

"Friend, ehm?" Case questioned.

"Well, to be honest, more than friend!" I exclaimed.

"So... you found a new love. Happy for you." Case said in a tone I didn't like that much.

"We broke up two years ago, I had to move on" I argued.

He smiled at me and said: "Right, I am not complaining about it. It's just, I was thinking about the way we broke up. You never really talked to me. We could have figured things out together."

"I was young then, and I didn't want to do anything with you. I was scared."

"I see. I am sorry I put so much pressure on you" Case said and went back to his weights.

I kept on falling on the ground. It was like pirouettes weren't my thing today. Suddenly Case was behind me. He put his hands on my waist and slid them backwards.

"You are not balanced. Try now!" He whispered.

I did as he instructed and there it was a perfect pirouette.

"Thanks" I said as I looked at him through the mirror. I observed as he leaned his forehead on my shoulder and started lifting my t-shirt.
I let him do what he wanted. I was now shirtless, with my abs exposed. He pulled me closer to him and slid his hands in my loose pants.

"Do you do that with your boyfriend?" He asked me in a seductive way.

I was kinda hypnotized by him and all I could do was nodding.

"You know, I am kinda jealous that he has the chance to taste your peach and I don't. Why don't you give me what you never gave me back then?"

I pushed him away. He wanted to fuck me, but I wanted to be loyal to Carson.
Our glances met and I couldn't resist his eyes. I kissed him on the lips. And then we made out for five minutes. He laid me on the ground and was on top of me.

"I forgot you tasted so good." Case whispered into my hear.

I moaned as he kissed my upper body, with his tongue swirling around my nipples.

"Please, stop, I can't do that!" I told him.

"I know you like me. Don't hide your feelings!"

"I have a boyfriend in LA!"

"Well, now you are in Colorado. Enjoy your trip." Case said that and then he inserted a hand into my shorts, massaging my boner.

"You got a nice bulge, Connor!"

I didn't know what to do or what to say. I couldn't resist his avances. He was so hot. I promised myself that this would have been a one-time thing. After that I wouldn't have had anything to do with my ex. But at the moment, the only thing that mattered was his body on mine, his tongue in my mouth, his hand on my dick.

Case left me in only my underwear. I lifted his tank top to show off his sculpted chest. I loved it. It was not like Carson's. Case's abs were so perfect. His nipples were so big.
I felt so vulnerable at that moment. His abs were like drugs. And I couldn't wait to see more.

"It's my first time" Case whispered into my hear.
That turned me on even more.

"So you are saying you haven't met anyone since we broke up?"

"I have been waiting for you to come back"

"You know, once we do this, I can't be with you forever..."

"I think that once we will be intimate, you'll never be the same. I am still in love and you will feel the same" Case stated.
I was shocked. He still loved me and what if I still loved him? What about Carson?

These thoughts rumbling in my head disappeared once he started touching my chest in a sensual way. A shiver went down my body.

"I will be in control" I told him and then added "Be a good boy, and let me do every naughty thing until you explode."
Case nodded and then I flipped him over. I was now on top of him.
I slid his shorts down and threw it in a corner of the room.

I could get to see his bulge now. I massaged it and Case let out soft moans.
I knelt down between his legs, facing him. I could look into his eyes, which were basically begging me to go on.
I slowly slid down the waistband of his underwear, noticing a good amount of pubics.
"You're hairy!" I said laughing.

"Yeah, I haven't shaved in a while" he replied.

"You know, Carson always shaves his hairs. But I have always wanted to try a hairy teen cock."

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