Part 34: In the studio

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[Carson's POV]
"Have you ever been in a studio before?"
I asked Connor.

"I don't think so. Wow! It's amazing. Do you wanna sing me something?" Connor said.

"Ok, have a sit."

Connor sat on a small sofa that was in the corner and I took my guitar from its case. I sat next to him and started playing few chords.

"Do you recognize it?" I asked him.

"I actually don't."

"Ok, let's add some lines!"

"Even at the end, their love was stronger than the day that they first met,
They say: "The world's not perfect, but it's not that bad, if we got each other and that's all we have, I'll be your lover and I'll hold your hand, you should know I'll be there for you...""

"I liked that!" Connor exclaimed.

"Do you really mean it, or...?"

"Yeah. I love your voice. And you are a great musician, too."

"I don't think I am that good. I could still improve some things."

"You know, I had never heard you singing. You are so cute!" Connor replied looking at me in my eyes. He held my hand tight and was silent.
"You are so lovely. So sweet." He repeated.

"I love you." I said as I kissed him. Then I asked him if he wanted to hear something else. He agreed and I played this one for him:

"I just wanna be somebody to someone, oh
I wanna be somebody to someone, oh
I never had nobody and no road home,
I wanna be somebody to someone.
And if the sun starts setting and the sky goes cold, and if the clouds get heavy and starts to fall,
I really need somebody to call my own,
I wanna be somebody to someone,
Someone to you, uh"

"Am I your someone?" Connor asked me.

"Do you wanna be it?" I replied.

"I do. I do. I do" He repeated in an happy tone.

I made out with him. The guitar was being an obstacle between us and I put it on the floor.

"Oh, you taste always so good" I said to him as I was kissing his neck.
I put my hand under his shirt and started teasing him. His skin was so damn soft. I loved the fact that it was always so cold and sweaty.

"You said no sex tonight!" Connor exclaimed.

"We are making out."

"Ok, as you want." He added. Some minutes later he tried to unbutton my jeans, but I stopped him.

"When I said no sex I really meant it." I argued and then I sat back in my original position.

"Sorry, I thought you were playing pretend." Connor apologized.

"Don't worry. Maybe tomorrow."

"Yeah, maybe!" He hesitantly said.

"Connor, can I ask you a question?"

"Go on..."

"Do you think we can be together, as a real couple? We are so different. I don't feel like this would last forever." I blurted out. I had been carrying around this thought for so long and I had to ask him what his real intensions were. Let's be clear, we had been together for almost three weeks and Connor gave me more than once the impression he was just messing around with me. Even that evening, he seemed to be at my place just for the sex.

Then he answered:
"Only time will tell..."

"How did you know you loved me?" I asked him.
He didn't answer straight away, but he reflected a bit.

"If I tell you, promise me you won't think I am a freak..."

"I won't!" I said on the spot.

"When I got home after gym, the first day I had met you, I looked up for your Instagram and clicked on a photo where you were shirtless. I jerked off to it."

I laughed because I had done exactly the same thing.

"What about you?" He demanded.

"I understood I loved you the day after, at school. But I even jerked off to your picture the day we met." I replied.

"Have you come out to your parents?" Connor asked me.

"Yeah. I didn't tell anyone, but I came out to them on Sunday. They accepted me."

"You are lucky! When will you come out to your fan base?"

"I think the day I will release my new EP" I explained.

"I see. You know, I have never met someone like you."

"Me too."

I kissed him again.

"And you? When will you come out?" I asked him.

"I don't know. My mom, I don't know how she will react. She scares me. I... I... "

"I think she will understand"

"You sure?"

"She doesn't seem so bad, after all. She loves you. Plus, I got a feeling she suspects something about us."

"What? Hell no... Will you be by my side when I will come out to her? I don't wanna do it alone."

"Yeah, sure... Wanna go out for a walk?"
I told him

"Yeah, of course".

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