Part 49: The party

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[Carson's POV]
Connor was being so mysterious. I couldn't really understand why. I would have seen him in few days. I still couldn't figure out what was wrong with him. I tried to convince myself that he was only tired of the trip. I could never imagine him doing something wrong, or maybe betraying me. We had promised ourselves that that wouldn't have ever happened. My thoughts were consuming me and I kept spending my days rambling about what could possibly be wrong with Connor. I scrolled through our texts more than once, trying to understand if I had done or said something mean. But nothing. He didn't want to talk to me.

According to Matt, this was just a phase and it shouldn't have lasted too long. Eventually I paced myself that it was nothing to worry about.

On Monday, Connor's friend Gabe invited me to his birthday party. At first I didn't wanna go there, but Matt advised me to take a try, just to clean my mind.

The party was on Friday. It was a pool party, even if I doubt someone would have taken a swim because it was still really cold at night.

I showed up at Gabe's birthday party at 9:00 PM. There was still a bunch of people there. Matt and Tanner came some minutes later and they immediately rushed upstairs, where the bedrooms were.
I went to the kitchen and took me a cup of beer. Then I sat on the sofa and I played truth or dare with some people I had never seen before. I really enjoyed that, but they got tired really soon and went out on the pool.
I was getting tired, too. I made my mind to leave the party as soon as I could. But actually, I have to admit that that sofa was so comfortable and I just liked relaxing there, scrolling through my Insta-feed. The truth is that seeing all those guys going around with their halfs made me really sad.

"Hey, is it free?" Paul asked me with his french accent, pointing at the place next to me on the sofa.
"Yeah..." I replied.

[Note: I know that some of you might not remember him, but Paul is one of Connor's friends from the dance group. It's a fictional character and so far he has been only mentioned in a couple of chapters]

Paul sat next to and drank his beer from the red cup.
"Are you alone?" Paul asked me.

"Yeah, Imma go home now. This party is boring. I got too many things on my mind!"

"Come on Carson, there's a fucking DJ outside! You can have fun!"

"Why are you here then?" I asked him.

"Because I don't like dancing"

"That's funny. You are a dancer" and I started laughing.

"I don't like crowds! And plus, I wanna smoke some weed."

"You what?"

"You understood very well! Wanna join me?"

I had never smoked weed before, but, I don't know why, I accepted. Maybe I was too sad and I thought that some good weed could help me relieve from all that stress.

[Few minutes later]
Paul rolled a grant and lit it up. The strong smell of weed filled my lungs. It was so intense and it impregnated our clothes.
"Fuck, that's so good! I didn't know you smoked, man!" I told him.

"I used to do it with my ex!"

"What happened then?"

"Went back to Washington for a trip with his family and dumped me with an old friend!"

"Ohhh, that hurts!" I said.

"Yeah, you can't even imagine how bad!"
"Was she beautiful?" I asked him, just to keep the conversation going. I had never talked to him. I knew he was French and he attended the Dance club with Connor. He and Connor had hung out a couple of times, but I had never talked to him for more than few seconds. He was a good company.

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