Part 13: The party at Connor's

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Note: Guys we have reached more than 1000 reads on this book. I can't thank you enough. Thanks for believing in this project. I have put all myself in this book and you don't even imagine what it means to me. My next goals are reaching the 2k reads and let my community grow more and more.
Yours R

And now, back to Carson's story!

I worked in the studio all the afternoon long, waiting for Connor to bring me the suit for tonight.
My new music was coming along very well. I had missed my guitar. Singing was such a relief and I had forgotten how powerful music could be. I even recorded some new demos and sent them to my producer to see what he thought.
I got so lost in my music that I didn't realized what time it was. It was almost 7.00 p.m. and I still didn't have a suit.

I texted Connor but he didn't reply. Then he called me soon after.

"Sorry I can't make it!"

"What do you mean, Connor? How am I supposed to come to the party?"

"Listen. I have an idea. Come to my house before 8. I will let you in from the backdoor. You will pass through the kitchen, where nobody will notice you, and then you will come up to my room."

"Ok. How do you know that nobody will notice me?

"There will be plenty of cooks and waiters there. And they will be busy making food for the evening."

"Ok. See you there. Wait... How do I find your room?"

"It's the first door on the left at the second floor."

"Ok. See you!"

[About an hour later]
I pulled over far from Connor's house, so that nobody could see me.
Some of the guests were already there and I peeked Connor's parents on the front porch welcoming them. Damn, I was late. I did as Connor told me. I sneaked through the backyard and entered the house from the backdoor. I found myself in the kitchen and, oh gosh, it was huge. It looked like a restaurant and not like a house. I made my way to the second floor and paid attention no one could see me.
Mr and Mrs Finnerty were still at the front door and few guests were gathered in the hall. I ran upstairs and entered Connor's room.

"Yes, you made it!" He said and then he kissed me on my lips.

"Hey, there's no time for that."


"Where is my suit?"

He brought me to his closet and took the suit he had chosen for my. It was a Gucci blue-navy suit. A tight-fit one.

"No, I can't. That must cost a lot. What if I ruin it?" I said, refusing to wear it.

"I have a laundry room. Please, take it. It's my gift." Connor told me.

I smiled back at him. I exchanged one last kiss and began undressing me. I kicked off my shoes and slid down my shorts. Connor peeked at my bulge and bit his lips, closing his eyes. He put his hand on it and started rubbing my semi-hard.

"I know you want it but it's not the time now!" I yelled at him.

He stopped and I put on the trousers of the suit. They weren't exactly my size. Connor was skinnier than me. However, they fitted pretty good and they made me a nice, round ass.

"Nice ass..." Connor said.

"Don't distract me and look for a pair of shoes" I yelled at him.

I took off my t-shirt and put on the white shirt he had given me. I buttoned it up to the last button and then wore the jacket."

"Tie or bow-tie?" Connor asked me.

"Tie. Maybe a thin one" I answered.

He had a tie collection. I had never seen so many ties in my life. Actually his  closet was huge. It was more like a shop.

"You know what? Pick your favourite one." Connor told me, leaving me a free access to his ties collection.

I opted for a red Italian slim tie. It was very nice. Connor knotted it perfectly and then adjusted my collar.

"You look fine...and fancy!" He told me. Then he gave me the pair of shoes he had chosen for me and I put them on. Luckily we had the same size.

"And now. How do I get to your front door?"

"Sneak out using the same way you used for getting in and then you show up at the front door!"

I nodded.
He kissed me again. This time we made out for five minutes straight. Then he left me and went downstairs. I did as Connor had instructed me and, again, nobody saw me. I showed up at the front door and Connor's parents welcomed me.

"Dear, this is Connor's new friend. I invited him so that Connor had someone to talk to" Mrs Finnerty said.

"Yeah, great idea, darling. Nice to meet you, boy!"

"My pleasure, Sir" I responded as I shook his hand.

Connor was just behind them and pretended to see me for the first time that evening.

"Please, Connor show your friend around!" His mom said.

"Yes, mom!"

"Ok, here are the rules. If you follow them, you will get to the end of the party safe and sound.
Rule n. 1: my mom will ask you about the suit. Tell her you bought it on the Rodeo and you don't remember the shop.
Rule n. 2: never hold my hand or look at me in a desperate needy way. Just pretend we are only friends.
Rule n. 3: my mother will introduce us to a lot of people I don't even know. Just smile at them and never say a word.
Rule n. 4: at 9 PM my father is holding a speech. He will revise it with my mother 15 minutes before. That means we have time for us from 8.45 to 9.
At nine we will seat in the front row of chairs we have set up outside and listen to my father. Applaude whenever I applaude. Follow what I do and you won't have any problems.
Rule n.5: don't eat too much in front of my mother and never drink alcohol. Indeed, it's better if you don't eat anything at all. Refuse whatever the waiters will offer you. That's all!"

"It looks like a shitty party!" I exclaimed.

"It is. Just focus on the time we have for ourselves!"

[Some minutes later]
"Connor, my dear, I wanted to introduce you to Mr and Mrs Hurley." Connor's mum said.

"Nice to meet you." Connor replied.

"And this is his friend, Carson."

I greeted them as Connor had instructed me. We repeated this thing with all the couples at the party. I was getting really bored. I looked at my watch, but it was still 8.25 PM.

"Hey, Connor, can I go out and smoke a grant? I'm dying!" I asked him.

"No, you crazy?"

I buffed.

"My dear, come here. I want to introduce you to Mr and Mrs Wacker. They are our investors from Hawaii!" Connor's mom said.

"Nice to meet you!" Connor told them.

"Oh, you are very young, my dear. How old are you?" Mrs Wacker said.

"17" Connor replied.

"Almost like our son. He is over there... Ethan, come here please!"

A good-looking guy approached us

"What is it mum?" Ethan said.

"Here is Connor, Mrs Finnerty's son!"

Ethan stretched his hand out and Connor shook it.

"Nice to meet you!" Connor stated.

Ethan smiled back.

"I am sure you will get to know each other" Connor's mum said.

"Yeah... I don't know if your mom talked about it, but our family will be spending a week in L.A. and your mom was very kind to let us stay at your place" Mrs Wacker added.

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