Part 18: Monday

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It was Monday morning. I woke up and took a shower. Matt did the same. I still couldn't believe that he had fucked me some hours before.
However, I didn't desire him. With Connor it was different. Matt was right! We couldn't be more than friends. I didn't want to keep it secret. I needed to talk to Connor about it. I wanted to be honest.

"So will you tell Connor?" Matt asked me as he was driving to school.

"Yes. I want to be honest. But I don't know when" I replied.


An awkward silence followed that moment.

"I am sorry. Didn't want to put you in that situation. It's that... Christian and I are more open" Matt explained.

"It's not your fault. You did that just to teach me a lesson."

"We cool?" He asked.

"Cool, bro. Thanks" I smirked at him.

Matt parked his car in the school parking lot and we made our way to the first class of the day: English.

I sat next to him in the class, as we always did. The teacher began talking but I was too distracted by my thoughts. I hadn't seen Connor. I had to find him and talk to him. Matt noticed that I wasn't listening and he made me sign to concentrate on the lesson.

"Mr. Lueders, would you like to repeat what I just told about Fitzgerald?" Mrs. Shannon said to me.

"Sorry Mrs. Shannon I was distracted."

"I noticed. I don't want to worsen your situation, but you need to study hard if you want to pass the year. Come to my office after the lesson. We need to talk!"

"Mr Sato, would you like to answer my question, please?"

"Yeah, we were talking about Fitzgerald's masterpiece: the Great Gatsby. This novel reflects the spirit and the background of the US in 1920s, a period known as "the roaring twenties and..."

Matt talked for what it felt like an eternity. I couldn't believe myself. How could he know all those things? Matt loved literature and it was the only subject he studied. That wasn't a surprise after all.

"Very well Mr. Sato. This is an A+"

[45 minutes later]
The doorbell rang.
All the students left the class and I stalled because I wanted to talk to Mrs. Shannon right now.

"Mrs. Shannon. I am sorry. I don't know why..." I apologized.

"Stop your excuses, Carson. Listen to me for a moment. Do you want to graduate?"

"Of course!"

"Then you have to show a bit of interest. Why is it your head always somewhere else? You are not helping yourself. Do it for yourself. Your grades are not good, let's be honest, and to pass my class you must study hard. The final test will be in four weeks. You risk not taking part to it. Your grades are really bad. I am a mother, and if I had a son like you I would be very disappointed..."

"I see that. I have been feeling a disappointment to everyone recently!" I don't why I told her that, but it was the truth. I wanted to leave behind what had happened with my ex girlfriend, but I can't. Connor was the only good thing that had come to me in months.

"But I know you are a good person. You have never been the smartest student of my class, but at least you did your best. If you feel a disappointment you are the only person who can change that." Mrs. Shannon explained.

I don't know how but I started crying. She pulled me in an embrace.

"Let it go. Crying is a relief sometimes!"  She said and patted me on the shoulders.
I raised my head and looked at her.

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