Part 11: The Aftersex

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I couldn't close an eye. I spent the night staring at the ceiling, while Connor was sleeping next to me.
Well, he was not a stranger anymore.
He was my boyfriend. The first person I had really loved in my life. As the sun was about to rise, I decided to jump off the bed. I put an underwear on, a pair of shorts and a tank top and went downstairs. I looked for a notebook in the kitchen drawer. I felt the need to write some lines I had had stuck in my mind all night long. I hadn't written any lyrics in months and I was a bit terrified when I put the pen on the paper. But then I let my heart speak:

"It's hard to,
To take off your lips even if it's just
Just for a minute
I can't get
Get you out of my head,
That you, you entered like a spark in the middle of an hurricane,
And if it's scaring you,
Babe, hold my hand,
Cos' it's only me, only you
Only me, only you..."

It was 7.00 o'clock. I had been working for two or three hours by then. I switched off the light in the studio and made my way to the kitchen. I made me some coffee and then smoked a grant in the front porch. I loved the morning air hitting my face. And, for a strange reason, I was feeling happy. Was it because of Connor?

As I finished my cig, I went back in and made my way to my bedroom. Connor was still sleeping, naked, as last night.
I crawled up next to him, quietly, making sure he didn't wake up and tried to sleep. I still couldn't. So I decided to spend some time on Insta, waiting for him to wake up.
I didn't know if he had to go back home or if he would have stayed with me all day long. I was getting bored, so I started caressing his curls gently. I touched his body with the tips of my fingers. His skin was so soft, almost like a baby. He didn't look like a 17-year-old boy. He looked younger.

[Later that morning]
"Good morning, babe..." He said as he opened his eyes.

"Slept well?" I asked him.

"Never been better." He answered.

I kissed him on his forehead.

"I made you coffee. Do you want some?"

"Actually I was wondering if you could deal with it" he said, pointing at his morning wood.

"Do you want to take a shower?"

"Like, together?"


"Sounds cool!" he muttered as he stretched his arms and then sat in the middle of the bed.

"Why do you have your clothes on?" He asked me.

"I woke up early... Come on, let's go."

I grabbed some towels for me and for Connor and I led him to the bathroom. I opened the water and when it was of a right temperature we got in. Connor kissed me several times. Not hot kisses like yesterday night, but little kisses on my lips.

"Do you wanna soap me?" I asked him.

He took his sponge and started rubbing it on my body. He soaped my abs and my back. Then he left the sponge end poured some soap on his hands and turned me around. He massaged my butt, making small circular motions. When I was finally soaped, I did the same to him. I made sure his upper body was clean. There were still small traces of dried cum from yesterday. I tweaked his nipples til they got hard.

"Oh, Carson, mhhh..." Connor moaned.

"I didn't know this would have turned you on" I said.
I turned him around and washed his ass. I squeezed it and tried to insert my fingers in, but again he was very tight and I didn't want to ruin this moment.

My dick was now fully hard. I placed it on Connor's ass. He was a moaning mess. With my hand I was jerking him off and meanwhile I rubbed my cock on his ass.
Actually, my dear reader, I never told you about Connor's ass.
It was perfectly round and a bit plump. It was the kind of ass born to be fucked. I loved feeling how my dick moved on his asscheeks. And he was enjoying the situation as well.

"Do you like it?" I questioned him.

"Yeah, as hell!"

"Do you mind if I keep my dick on your ass?"

"I'd love it, actually."

I stroked Connor's dick faster.

"I am so close, Carson, don't stop."
I jerked his dick few more times, until he shot three or four loads of cum on the shower tiles.

"Ah yes..." Connor groaned.

Some of his semen dripped on my fingers. I used them to finish me off. I ordered Connor to remain in that position, with his ass exposed to me. I jerked off to that beautiful view. I used his cum to facilitate the stroking motion.

"Oh Connor, oh yes, show me that ass, babe!" I moaned in pleasure. I closed my eyes and masturbated faster. When I felt I was close, I paused and approached to him.

"Don't move now. I will unload myself on that ass you have. Is it ok?"

"Yeah, everything you want."

I touched my dick few more times and then I came on him. My jizz spurted out and landed perfectly on his ass. I think I shot 7-8 spurts of cum.

"Oh Gosh, oh fuck, yeah." I said and then collapsed on his shoulder.
I was softly biting his skin and I think he liked because he was still moaning.

"Can I leave you a hickey?" I asked.

"Yeah, in a place where no one can see."

"Ok" I replied. I turned him around and went on my knees. I began sucking his skin at height of his v-line.

"You like it here?" I questioned him.

"Perfect, babe!"

Few minutes later I had left him one of the hottest hickeies I had ever seen.
I kissed him one last time and then I turned off the water.
The bathroom was steamy. We wrapped our towels around our waist and we made our way to my bedroom. It was 9.00 AM.

I dressed up and Connor did the same. I liked his style, as always.

"Do I have to bring you home now?" I asked him.

"After breakfast".

I nodded.

"Do you got plans tonight?" Connor asked me.

"No... I mean, I thought we could go somewhere, if you want to."

"Would you like to have dinner at my house. My mum wants to meet you."

"Yeah, why not?"

"Ok, but I must advise you. She is a bit overprotective. She could ask you the worst things. Just try to be yourself. I know you are a good guy. She just wants to know if you are a good influence on me."

"Alright, babe. Don't worry. I can deal with it" I responded.


[Few minutes later]
Downstairs Matt was sitting alone at the kitchen island. He looked kinda tired.

"You alone? I thought Christian had stayed the night." I asked him surprised.

"He had a plane this morning. I brought him home yesterday evening. What about you two?"

"Nothing new" I said.

"Yeah, whatever. Stop playing pretend. I basically heard everything."

Connor blushed.

"Connor, it's alright. I won't tell anyone" Matt added.

"Thanks, I appreciate that."

"Welcome... but next time you moan so loud I will join you and destroy your ass!" Matt joked.

"Sorry, bro. I didn't mean to wake you up!"

"It's alright."

Connor drank his coffee and ate some eggs.
"You ready to go?" I asked him.

"Yeah, let's go. Bye, Matt"
"Bye, Con."

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