Part 8: Bathroom talks

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The next morning I woke up with Matt sitting by my side, on my bed.

"Hey, what are you doing in my room?" I asked him surprised.
"Seems like you had fun tonight?"

He had obviously noticed the cum on my bed.

"I told you that you could join us. You would have learnt much more."
"Shut up!"
"I bought you coffee. Your Starbucks favourite!"
"Thanks" I said.
He handed me the Starbucks cup and I sat in the middle of my bed, drinking it. I was wearing only my undies and on my chest there were strings of dry cum, that Matt had immediately noticed.

"What time is it, bro?" I asked him.
"It's 7."
"Oh shit. I will be late."

I jumped off the bed and headed to the closet. I took some random clothes and was about to put them on, when Matt stopped me and suggested I should have taken a shower first. He was right. I smelled like crap and I couldn't show up at school like that.

[Few minutes later]
"You got five minutes Carson. I will wait for you downstairs." Matt shouted from the other room.
"I am almost done."

I quickly dried my hair and put clothes on. I rushed downstairs and in 15 minuets we arrived at school.
No need to add that my first thought was looking for Connor. I hadn't heard anything from him since yesterday night. Was he mad at me? 

I couldn't find him anywhere, so I asked Johnny where I could find him. He told me he was in the school library. 

[In the school library]
"Hey, you were here. Johnny told me where I could find you. Are you ok? I have seen you haven't replied to my texts and I was wondering..."
"My cell is off." Connor replied in a strange tone, almost like my presence there was bothering him.
"Everything is ok? You look so strange" I asked him nervously.

"Quiet. We are in a library guys" Mrs Marble shouted.

"Follow me." I whispered and then I took him from his jacket and led him to a bathroom cubicle; there, he immediately kissed me with so much energy and passion.

"Hey, what the hell! You can't piss me off all day and then pretend like nothing happened" I yelled at him, pushing him away from me.

"Sorry. Listen, Carson, I don't want people to think that we are... kinda dating"


"I am new, and, you know, I would also love making some friends. I don't wanna be labelled as "the gay new kid". I know you don't care about the others, but I don't want bullies around, I don't want people to look at me disgusted. Please. Just try to understand me! And stop looking at me like you desperately need me."

"Yeah. I see what you mean. I feel you. I know it may be hard. I am still figuring things out for myself. But you I can't stop thinking about you. I need you." As I said this, I started massaging his crotch, but Connor stopped me.

"Are you trying to hook up with me at school now?"

"Kinda..." Then I got closer to him, rubbing my hard dick on his thighs.


"Or what?" and I began sucking on his neck, still moving my dick on his body.

"Or I'll scream and tell everyone you are assaulting me."

"Ok sorry". I let him go and cleaned the saliva I had left on his neck.

"See you this evening then?" Connor asked.
"No, we will see each other at the gym."

"Ehm... Carson, I am quitting gym"

"Why? Did something happen?"

"Yes, I mean... I have joined the dance club"

"You did what?"

"You understood pretty well. I have joined the dance club"

"And then you worry if I come around you too much? You are basically declaring your sexuality to the world."

"Joining the dance club doesn't mean you are gay!
"Except for the fact that you are"

"You sure? I might be bi!"

"Okay, then sorry. When do you have your first lesson?"


"Cool. Can I come?"

"Of course not!" He said laughing.

"Ok, Con, as you prefer. But open your eyes. The dance teacher is a jerk. Literally one of the worst person I have ever met before."

"I don't know him..."

"You'll get to know him."

The doorbell rang and Connor made his way out of the cubicle.
"I'll text you later. See you at 7.00 p.m. Should I pick you up?"

"Nah, my mum is giving me a ride." He replied.

"Okay, but are you staying the night?" I asked him, hoping he would have given me the answer I expected.

"Don't you think we are rushing things? Why do you want me to stay?"

"You know exactly why I want you to stay. We can finish what we started yesterday!"

"I am not that kind of person.We'll see." He answered.
He kissed me once again and then he went away, leaving me alone in the toilet stall.

He could be right. Was I rushing things? What if he wasn't ready? What if he was just teasing me? Oh my god! I had forgotten how complicated was loving someone. Anyway, he hadn't answered to my question. I still didn't know if he wanted to sleep over at my place. That's why I called him soon after he had left the toilettes.

"What?" He said as he picked up my call
"You didn't reply to my question. Are you sleeping over at my place?"
"Yes. But now I really gotta go." And afterwards closed the call.
I was fricking happy. I knew he wanted me so bad.

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