Part 50: Going back home (Connor's POV)

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[Connor's POV]
It was Sunday. Suitcases had been already packed up and we were ready to leave. I gave one last big hug to my grandparents and entered my parents'car. I turned around and peeked Case on his frontporch. I waved at him and he waved me back. Few seconds later he sent me a message:
"I am gonna miss you! See you this summer!"

Case will have moved to LA for his last year at high school and  my parents agreed on letting him stay at our place. I promised myself I would have come out by the end of summer, but right now I had to tell the truth to Carson. He didn't deserve to be treated like that. I felt like a slut. I had forgotten him so soon and had sex with Case every single day of the week.

"What a jerk!" I repeated to myself in a reluctant tone.

Of course Carson didn't need to know about Case. I would have just told him that our relationship had become nothing more than sex. I had realised the only thing that kept us together was sex. I liked his body, his cock, his hair, but I didn't like Carson. He was a good friend, maybe the best I had ever had, but he could have never been more than that.

Our journey lasted five/six hours. We arrived at LA at 10 PM. The first thing I did was texting Carson:
"Let's meet tomorrow. I'll come by. After school, in the afternoon"

He texted me an emoji to approve and I went to sleep. The journey had made me exhausted and I needed to catch up on some sleep, since all the sex with Case had kept me awake most of my nights in Colorado.

The next morning I woke up and took a shower. I got dressed. I put on a shirt I had stolen from Case's closet. I loved it. It was a beige and white plaid shirt. I had seen Case only once in it, but it looked so good on him. It was like having a piece of him with me. I sent him a "Good morning" and a picture of me wearing his shirt. I went downstairs and had a quick breakfast. My parents weren't there, which felt really strange because it was already 7.30 AM and I had to be driven to school.
My dad's driver told me he would have given me a lift to school. I asked him where my parents were, but he got rid of me saying they were busy.

Anyway, I didn't pay too much attention to that and just focused on my speech I would have read to Carson this afternoon.
What could I tell him? "I don't love you anymore...I mean, I love your ding-dong, but not you"...Nah that was too direct.

Or maybe: "I have realized that we were only sex and nothing more..." ...Yeah, that could go, but eventually I would have let my heart speak.

"Be sincere, Connor!" A voice repeated in my head, but I didn't want to break Carson's heart.

When I got to school, I made sure he didn't see me and I rushed to my first class. I had to avoid him. It wouldn't have been difficult. Just five hours.
However, nothing went as I had planned. He texted me few minutes later:
"Can we meet at 10 AM. You must be free if I remember..."
I didn't know what to tell him, but eventually I decide to meet him.

I waited behind the gardener's shack in the backyard for five minutes and suddenly he appeared.

"Hey!" I said hugging him.

"Only a hug? I want more!" He said.

"Sorry, I am not in the mood."

"I see. Oh god I have missed you so bad. You don't even know how much I wanted you. I am glad you are back here. Listen, why don't you sleepover tonight?"

"Carson I just came back. Maybe..."

"Come on...I know you want it, too!"

"You just made me come here to tell me that?"


"You are such a perv!" I told him laughing. He laughed, too.

"No, Connor, there's another thing I wanna tell you, but maybe I will tell  it you this evening."

"Okay. No prob."

"So are you staying the night?"

"Yeah!" I replied in an unconvincing tone.

"Ok, then, see you this evening." And as he said that, he printed a kiss on my lips.

I went back to the school building. I kept on asking myself why I had accepted. He wanted to have sex with me. That was clear and normal, considering he thought I was still his boyfriend. Ok, I promised myself I would have spent one last night with him, and then stop.

That evening I showed up at his place at 9.00 PM. As soon as he opened his front door he hugged me. I pretended I was happy to see him again and we made out for few minutes.
"Come in" he told me.
He was alone at home.
He immediately led me to the bedroom.

Carson made out with me. He didn't even let me talk. I didn't know what to do, so I let things happen.
"Oh Gosh, I have missed this" he moaned into my mouth as his tongue won for dominance. His hands started exploring my body, squeezing my ass and massaging it.
I put my hands under his t-shirt and felt his muscular back. Not so muscular as Case's.
Carson took off his t-shirt and threw it on the ground, then he pulled me closer to him, knelt down and started unbuttoning my shirt.

"Is it a new one?" He asked me.
I didn't reply immediately because I was distracted. My mind was wandering about something else.

"Connor, are you ok?" Carson asked me again.

"Yeah, sorry. It's new!" I said.

He threw the shirt in a corner of the room and slid down my trousers, till I was left in only my underwear.
His hand began rubbing my bulge. It felt so good, but there was a problem. Even if I tried, my cock wouldn't get hard.

"Am I not turning you on? Do you wanna stop?" Carson asked me after he had been touching my cock for few minutes straight, noticing it wasn't getting hard.
I was obviously perplexed and didn't know what to say. To avoid the awkwardness I took Carson's chin and kissed him.

"Why don't you fuck me, instead?" I whispered into his hear. He smirked and turned me around.

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