Part 33: The barbecue

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[Carson's POV]
I picked up the phone. It was Matt.
"Hey, bro. I am on my way. We need to talk about a thing..." He said.

"Something wrong?" I asked him.

"No, actually a good news. And you have to explain me a thing." He said with a suspicious tone.

"What thing?" I replied confused.

"I will tell you home".

[Few minutes later]
"What was so important?" I asked Matt confused.

"Please, promise me you won't judge."

"Ok, go on..."

"I have kissed Tanner in the locker room"
Matt blurted out.

"You did what? What were you thinking?" I asked him shocked.

"Hey, you promised me not to judge."

"I am not judging you, but Christ, of all the men on this fucking planet, why him?"

"I don't know. I felt attracted... But I feel this time he has changed. Can you support me please. This wasn't the reaction I was expecting, Carson. Maybe you hate him because Connor had a thing with him, but he has changed."

"How do you know about that?" I asked Matt.

"Why did you keep it secret?" Matt replied.

"Because it's something between me and Connor."

"Okay, but I thought you would have told me that. He was my ex boyfriend after all."

"Are you jealous, now? Connor will never do it again, if you want to know that!" I shouted.
I was angry as hell.

"Hey, you pissed at me now? What did I do to you?" Matt said.

"You came here and started arguing about a stupid thing. That's what you did?" I responded.

"You seriously wanna fight about that, Carson?"

"I don't care what you do with Tanner. But when he will let you down again, don't come to me" I shouted and then went to the studio and closed the door.

[Two hours later. Carson is in his studio working on some music]
"I was focused, you got me distracted
On my way to you, but got stuck in the traffic, what if I couldn't get to see you anymore?"

"Hey, what was that?" Matt told me as he came in the studio.

I didn't answer. I was still pissed at him. He approached me and sat on a stool next to me.

"I am sorry for what happened earlier."
I still didn't answer. Matt put his arms on my shoulder and pulled me in a hug.
I tried to set me free, but he didn't let me.

"Sorry, ok? Forgive me. I was just out of my mind..."

"Ok, cool. I didn't mean to say that. I am happy you two are both together. It's just the part about Connor that made me angry." I explained.

"Don't worry..."

"I could never get angry to you. After everything you did." I said to Matt looking at him in his eyes. He printed a kiss on my cheek and patted me on the shoulders.

"Bro, promise me you won't let me down if this thing between me and Tanner doesn't go the way I imagine." Matt blurted out.

"Sure!" I hugged him.

"So what were you working on?" Matt asked me, changing the subject of our conversation.

"Do you wanna hear it? It's a sort of a ballad, but I mixed some styles in it: a bit of rock, trap... You heard the pre-chorus..."

"Ok, let me hear. Maybe we can work on it together."

"So please don't go, oh,
Sorry if I screw, though, oh,
But you know I was a mess,
God, I got so wrecked again,
So please don't go, oh,
Alcohol's drivin' me insane
So please don't go, oh, oh, oh,
Please don't go"

"It's a banger!" Matt exclaimed.
I was happy we were friends together. I just smiled at him, and kept on working on my music, playing the melody on my guitar.

"Hey, why don't you invite Connor tonight? We can have a barbecue all together. Tanner is coming, too."

"Yeah. It sounds a good idea and it actually would be, except for the fact that Connor is granted." I told him.

"Oh, I forgot."

"Don't worry!"

"What if we talk to his mother. I know you could do that." Matt proposed.

"No way. I won't show up at her house again. And she won't let his son stay so long."

"Come on!"

"No, I won't. You can still have your barbecue with Tanner, but Connor isn't coming."

"What if Tanner takes him here? He is his dance teacher after all... And his mum will trust him."

"It might work..." I hesitated.

"Ok... I'll tell Tanner. I know they have dance lessons at the academy today, so maybe he can make up an excuse."

[Matt calls Tanner on the phone]
"Yeah, ok, I will tell him" Matt said as he hung up his phone.

"What did he say?" I asked.

"Connor is coming." He stated with joy.

"Yeah" I exulted. "How did he manage to?" I asked. I was curious. Maybe Mrs Finnerty was not so bad as I had imagined.

"He basically told her that he would have taken Connor to a ballet"

"I can't believe she fell for that." I said laughing.

[Later that day]
Connor and Tanner came to my house at 8. We had prepared everything in the garden. We ate and chatted for what it felt like an hour.
Connor sat next to me. It was too cold to him and I gave him my jacket. I pulled him in an embrace to warm him up.

"You two are cute!" Tanner exclaimed looking at us.

"Thanks!" I said.

I must admit I was a bit uncomfortable having the guy who made my boyfriend horny around. And I was pissed at the fact that he was hanging around with Matt again, after everything he had done to him.
When we finished eating, Matt and I cleaned up.

"What are you doing now?" I asked Matt.

"We are going to my room... And then he will take Connor home" He responded.

"Are you already having sex with him?"


"Come on, man. Are you sure he has changed?"

"Hey, you promised you wouldn't have judged my choices."

"Ok, sorry. I was trying to protect you."

"I understand. But you can't control me."

I took a deep breath. Matt was right.
When we finished tiding up, Matt went to his room with Tanner and I was left alone with Connor.

[Connor and Carson]
"Do you wanna go to your room?" Connor asked me.

"I don't feel like I wanna have sex tonight. Sorry. I am tired."

"Ok, we don't have to do it if you don't want to."

"Wanna come with me in the studio?"


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