Part 10: Love night

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It was almost 7.00. I had spent all the afternoon studying for my SAT with Matt.

"I will never pass it!" Matt exclaimed. "I don't even want to go to university. I wanna focus on music."

"We'll, there are universities for music." I stated.

"Don't tell me you wanna go to college! It's already a miracle if you graduate."

"Well, technically there are some colleges which could accept me just because I am singer and I have already a contract with a label. It would be a matter of prestige for them."

"But bro, you should first convince your label. They could cut you off. Remember that your manager asked you to produce something new for next month otherwise you are out."

"I know" I replied in a sad tone.

"I hope you will do it"

Matt hugged me. And we stood like this for few minutes.

"Did I ever tell you that you are so fucking hot when you are sad? And plus, I have a crush on troubled kids!" Matt said.

"Matt... you are a jerk" I told him, and we both bursted out in a laugh. Since I had come out to him, he had been teasing me every now and then. Was he into me? Or did he hope to get something from me? Anyway I didn't care that much.

Connor was about to come and I couldn't stop thinking about what Matt wanted from me.

"Where are you taking him?" Matt asked me.

"I wanna take him somewhere special."

"Oh first date, I see!"

"It's not like that. We just want to spend some time alone!"

"Yeah, yeah. Fine. Will I see you tomorrow?"

"No, we will sleep here tonight."

[Later that evening]
Connor got in my car and buckled his seat belt. He fixed his hair and adjusted his denim jacket.

"How was the dance club" I asked.

"Not bad. Actually Tanner is very nice."

"Oh, that's not a surprise. He is always like that at the beginning."

"How do you know him so well?"

"He was Matt's first boyfriend!" I replied.

"What?" Connor asked me shocked.

"Yeah. You can ask him if you want. It was Matt's first time with a guy and he was totally a jerk!"

"I didn't know. Well, actually, he was very kind to me."

I puffed and started driving.

"Are you upset now?" Connor asked me in a frustrated tone.

"No, I am not. It's fine. Whatever you do it's fine." I said and I made sure he could sense all the disappointment in my voice.
He didn't answer.

"Why do we have to talk about Tanner right now? I want to get to know you better! I don't even care about Tanner" Connor yelled at me.

"Sorry, Con. I was just asking how was you day."

"It was fine, thanks. Take me home now. I don't wanna be here anymore".


"I am tired. I am not sure we should go out now."
He was angry. Probably I had been too stressing. I pulled my car to the side of the street and talked to him.
I grabbed his face with my hands and pulled him towards me.

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