Part 19: Dance lessons (Connor's POV)

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[Connor's POV]
"What did he want?" Betty asked me as I went back to my table.

"To join the drama club. They needed a dancer." I replied.

"And you?" Paul asked with a confused tone.

"I declined" I laughed.

At 2:00 p.m. we went to the gym, where Tanner was already waiting for us.

"Hi, Tanner!" we all waved at him.

"Nice to see you, folks. Get to your position and warm up."

We started warming up and that went on for few minutes.

"Okay, today we will work on our choreography for the graduation. We got two months. There's plenty of time. I don't want you to complain about the difficulty."

"Yes" we all said.

"Fine. It's a sort of mini show. Three songs. Seven minutes dancing, no stop"

"Is there a sort of plot, Tanner?" Betty asked.

"Yeah, basically there's a theme: bullying. There won't be a main dancer. Each song will be about a different type of bullying." Tanner replied.

"Sounds cool" I said.

"It will be, Connor!" Tanner added.

"Ok, back to work. 3...2...1... And..."

[One hour later]
"Arabesque, pirouettes and final pose. Is that clear Betty?" Tanner explained.

"Yes" she said.

"And I don't want you to tremble with those legs. When you do the pirouettes keep your body stable. Don't lift your shoulders too much. Two well-done pirouettes are better than ten wrong ones!"


"Connor. Your technique is quite good. But I want you to be more dynamic. You are too wooden."
I nodded and breathed. I had never danced ballet before, I was more into modern dance. But, apparently, I was good at ballet, too. I just needed to practice.

"Okay, class dismissed. It's over for today". Tanner shouted.

As I made my way to the locker room Tanner stopped me.
"We are going to the academy. You need to improve if you want to become a professional dancer." He told me.

"Okay!" I replied. Even though I was already tired, I wanted to do my best.

[Few minutes later]
I hopped in his car and he drove for thirty minutes. Tanner brought me to a sort of college, smaller. I followed him as he entered a building. He greeted some friends of his and then we entered a dance studio. There were few more people training. I felt out of place. However, he showed me some moves and we worked on that.

"Look at you in the mirror. Those moves are perfect, but boring." Just put a bit of personality in it." Tanner told me.

"Ok, Tanner."

"Wanna try a choreo?" He asked.

"Why not." I responded.

"Okay. Guys do you mind if we put some music?" He asked to the other guys in the dance hall.

"No, Tanner, go on." They answered.

"Thanks, I appreciate that."

"Okay, Connor, Holy by JB. You ready."

I nodded. Tanner connected his phone to the speaker and played the song.
I started dancing, showing what I had just learnt. After the choreo I was panting, but everyone else in the room was applauding.

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