Part 46: Forgetting about Carson (Connor's POV)

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[Connor's POV]
"Hey, dear, breakfast is ready, come downstairs" My grandma said as she opened the door of my room and walked in.

"Ahhh, oh my Gosh, Connor" she screamed.

I immediately woke up and found out I was fallen asleep naked. Luckily Case had already gone and there was no trace of cum on my bed. I was sleeping on my stomach, so she didn't see my dick, but just my ass.

"Just put something on, boy, are you crazy?"

I sat in the middle of the bed and covered my dick with a pillow.

"Can't you knock on the door?"

"I did, but you didn't hear me. Come on, put something on and come downstairs."

"I gotta shower first!"

"Don't kid me. You took a shower really early this morning. I have heard you!"
I was speechless. Maybe Case had taken a shower before I could wake up.
I nodded.

"Oh, boys, he is just like his father!" She said angrily as she left my room and closed the door behind her.
I quickly dressed up and went downstairs.

My parents were already having breakfast.

"How was your trip?" I asked them.

"Amazing. You should have come, too. Did you get bored here?" My mum said.

"No, actually I spent the day with Case. We used to be very close few years ago. It was nice meeting him again."

"Oh, yes. I remember about him. You should invite him to California some days."

"Yeah, maybe. What are we doing today?"

"Nothing. We are spending the day here. Your dad has to catch up with some work."


As I finished my breakfast, I went outside and laid in my hammock. I was looking for Case, but he didn't seem to be nearby.
I decided to face call Carson. That was the perfect moment.

"Hey, what's up?" Carson asked me as he picked up the call.

"I am fine, Carson. I mean... I am kinda getting bored. There's nothing to do here"

"Yeah, I see. I feel the same. I miss you. I would like to be there with you."

"Me too" I said lying.

"How are your grandparents?"

"They are doing great. They were so happy to see me again."

"Yeah, I can imagine. Do you feel nostalgic? You look so relaxed there. I have never seen you like that."

"Not really. I love this place, but I prefer LA."

"Are you tired?" Carson asked me.

"No, why you asking?"

"Because it seems like you want to cut our conversation everytime you answer me. Did I do something wrong?"

"No, Carson. Sorry if I gave you that impression... It's not like that"

"What is it then? You aren't responding to my texts either!"

"I came here to relax, that's all. Don't be jealous!"

"I am not. I was just trying to figure out what was going on with you."

"Nothing, I told you. You are the one being overprotective. You are not my mother!"

"Why do you act like that? I was only asking, cause I care about you. You are pissed at me for no reason."

"I am not pissed at you. By the way, I gotta go now."

"Where are you going?"

"Nowhere. I just don't want to talk to you right now. You are annoying me. Let's end it here!"

"Connor, are you ok? Why do you wanna argue right now? I haven't done anything. If there is something that..."

I closed the call and switched off my phone. I was being a jerk to him, but I didn't want to talk to him. Plus, it would have been much easier to leave him after an argument and I didn't need to give him so many explanations.

"Hey, you ok?" Case asked me.

"Yeah, kinda. Carson and I had an argument! It was my fault, actually. I just didn't want to talk to him. I wanna avoid him until I go back home"

Case held my hand and smiled at me. I kissed him on his lips and then our faces disconnected.

"I shouldn't even talk to you about that. Sorry if I am annoying you. I must solve this thing on my own."

"You are wrong. Your problems are mine, now!"

"Yeah, but I don't wanna hurt him. I don't want him to know I have found someone else. I just wanna tell him that it's over."


"He is very sensitive. And he has just come out of a bad situation... Well he still is... That would break him into million pieces."

"That doesn't mean you could still be friends. You can be by his side as friend!"

"That wouldn't work!"

A silence followed.

"Come on, let's go now" Case told me.

"Where are we going?"

"Let's watch a film or something, I wanna lift up your mood."

"It feels so strange, everything. I don't know how to deal with it"

"I can't understand. But please, try not to think about him! You don't have to feel guilty" Case said that and then kissed me on the cheek, ruffling my hair.

"You know you are too cute, right?" Case told me.

I smiled back at him and met his deep eyes, which where staring at me. I leaned my forehead and posed it on his.
We breathed hard and our noses were touching. I lifted a hand and Case intertwined his own hand with mine. He kissed me again and proposed to watch a film together. I wasn't sure I wanted to spend the afternoon in this way, so I showed my perplexity.

"So, you wanna work out?" He proposed me and I refused.




"Gaddamn yes..."

"Okay, I'll take my car."

Case and I arrived at mall in the late afternoon. We stopped at a Starbucks along the way and he bought me a iced Cappuccino. I had stared at his muscular and veiny arms all the ride long. I was so happy, and I can't describe it. Carson was disappeared from my head. Case was right. I couldn't be too sorry for him. I knew that it would have benefited him, but I had to think about my happiness first.

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