Part 15.1 : Do you wanna sleep over?

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Note: This chapter was meant to be longer, but eventually I decide to cut it in two parts. The second part will be up on Monday.

The party was almost over. I didn't even dare to say a word since what had just happened. Connor and me were totally speechless.

"Thanks for the party, Mrs Finnerty. Now I have to go back home." I said to Connor's mum after her husband's speech.

"Why? You can sleep over, if you want!"
I looked at Connor and he didn't know what to think.

"I mean, if it's not a problem..."

"No, it's not... our two guest rooms are occupied by the Wackers, but you can sleep in Connor's room. We will put another mattress there. Connor, my dear, is it a problem for you?"

"No, mum. I am totally fine with it!" Connor said.

"Okay, so you will be spending the night here, Carson." Mrs Finnerty said. I was so happy about that, but even scared at the same time. I didn't know if Connor wanted to do things or if he was too scared to try things at his place. His mother was a bit frightening, and I guess she could have gone mad if she had caught us.

Mrs Finnerty called a maid and ordered to prepare a bed for me in Connor's bedroom.

[Minutes later]
All the guests were gone and Connor and I decided to watch a movie.

"Why don't you join them, Ethan?" Ethan's mum said.

We went to Connor's room and switched on the TV.

"I know you don't want to watch a movie. Can we just pretend we are good friends until they fall asleep?" Ethan said.

"Sorry, bro. We didn't want you to find it out like that." Connor said.

"Guys I am fine with whatever you do under the sheets, but now that I know it I am feeling so uncomfortable. I am feeling like I am invading your spaces or like I am wasting your time." Ethan replied.

"You are not!" Connor exclaimed.

"Thanks, but I know it's not the truth."

There was a moment of silence.

"Listen, guys, I can go to my room so I won't bother you." Ethan proposed.
Connor and I didn't utter a word.

"We don't want you to go. I am feeling so bad right now." I told him.

"I would do the same if I were with my girlfriend!"

"Sorry. If I can help you in some ways?"

"No thanks... Can we just hung out one of these afternoons? Just like friends. I am here in L.A. just to have some fun." Ethan stated.

"Yeah. Of course." Connor exclaimed.

"I didn't want to interrupt you earlier...I am sorry again." Ethan apologized.

"No, look at the positive side. If you hadn't done it, I would have never talked to you." Connor said.

"Me too" Ethan replied and laughed.

Then he added "You know, you might be gay, but I think you are a good friend. You are so nice!"

"He actually is" I added.

"You are a lucky man" he said to me.

"I know!"

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