Part 25: Grounded

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Note: If you haven't done it yet, you'd better read the previous chapters to understand why one of the characters is going to be grounded.

[Carson's POV]
When I woke up next morning, I felt so bad. My back still hurt and my anus was like on fire. Every now and then I felt some drops of blood coming out of it. Actually, I was lucky to be able to go back home safe and sound. I wasn't feeling good yesterday night and it's a miracle I didn't got into a car accident.

"Wild night?" Matt asked me when I went to the kitchen.

"Yeah, kinda. A threesome." I replied.

"What man? That is amazing! Did you like it?"

"Kinda! I had the worst part. They treated me like a load dumpster." I mumbled.

"Ahahahah. Why? Weren't you a top?"

"I am, but yesterday I felt like I couldn't move. And they took over." I said in a frustrated tone.

"Don't worry. It may happen sometimes. You had a tough day. You were tired and you let them use you. Come on, it's normal!"

"Yeah, yeah I know!" I replied.

"By the way... We got a history test on Tuesday. Do you wanna study together later?" Matte asked me.

"Yeah, why not!" I said.

"Do you got plans tonight?" He asked me then.

"I don't know. I mean... Connor will be probably graunded, so not..."

"Christian and I are going to the pub. Los Angeles FC is playing the quarter finals against Orlando. I thought you and Connor could join us."

"What is it? Soccer?" I asked him because I didn't have the slightest idea what he was talking about.

"Yeah, MLS...Anyway, you should call him, before his mum grounds him" Matt suggested me.

"Yeah, right..." I replied.

I grabbed my phone and texted him. However, I couldn't wait for him to text me back, so I called him.

"Hey, babe, good morning!" Connor said.

"Hey, bebe. Listen, I have an idea. Matt asked me if we wanted to join them tonight. They are going to a bar to watch the soccer match. I mean, I don't like soccer, but it was just to do something different. You can sleep over afterwards. Or I can give you a ride home!" I explained him.

"It would be fun, but I need to tell my mother about..."

"Postpone it. Tell her on Monday. She doesn't need to know right now."

"I don't know, Carson. I should study, too."

"I am studying this afternoon. I will pick you up at 8.00 p.m." I said and tried to convince him.

"I just need to tell my mom, sorry. If I won't text you later, it means I am grounded."

"Ok, bye. Love you." I said.

"Bye, babe!"

I explained Matt everything and he was extremely sad that I couldn't join them. Then we started studying for the test. There were too many things to remember. I didn't know if I could make it, but I tried my best to memorize as many things as I could. Matt and I grabbed lunch afterwards and in the afternoon we continued our study session. Connor hadn't texted me. So I figured out he was grounded. What a shame! I was worried his mom couldn't let him see me anymore.

[Connor's POV]

"Mom, I need to tell you a thing!"

"What did you do, Connor?" She viciously asked me back.

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